
Why did MY subconscious mind not get any of these correct?

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(I'm dreading to hear what the skeptics will




  1. You are an intelligent, analytical, person who obviously has your own ideas and ultimately refuses to be led astray - by anyone for whatever reason.

    "Protection Mode" - be proud!

  2. I didn't get the first one either. I guess I was looking at his face and not his hands or his gestures. But then after the explanation, I consciously watched what he was doing in the next "experiment" and correctly guessed the 3 of diamonds. It's very interesting, from a psychology point of view.

    I had not heard of Derren Brown before, but I found his website which describes him as "... a unique force in the world of illusion - he can seemingly predict and control human behaviour. He doesn't claim to be a mind-reader, instead he describes his craft as a mixture of magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship."

  3. I don't know why.  I did think of the circle and triangle, but reversed.  I didn't think of the colors.  His trick is suggestion.  It doesn't always work, but it seems amazing to people if he gets even some of it right.

  4. i do not know the answer and this is why. i am the guy in the audience that gets up and walks out of the auditorium when the hypnotist announces,"there is no one in this room that i cannot hypnotize", he is nuts if he thinks that i am not running on high test at one hundred proof!

  5. Sometimes he was actually pretty blatant, and I was able to resist his clumsy "suggestions."  

    You may be just less susceptible to being manipulated than the average person!

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