
Why did McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin call Hillary a "whiner", according to NewsweeK?

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How is Hillary a whiner? I'm not attacking Palin, I just want to know what Hillary has done or said to constitute as "whining" in Palin's words?





  1. Because she is a hater I hope Hilary comes back and kicks her butt

  2. Hillary IS a whiner... so are her devotees that wanted her in the White house despite her loss to Barry the Liar.

  3. Palin is a joke. McCain threw the election away when he choose someone like Palin. She is an insult to women everywhere and Hillary supporters. Hillary is well known and experienced. Palin is mayor of a hunting town of 5,000.

    Obama/Biden '08!

  4. Hillary will have her head served up on a platter

  5. oh jeeze, you seriously beleive that

    if you watched the news and saw Palin on stage giving her speech and accepting the position(im sure you didn't), she actually complimented hilary clinton saying how she created an amazing amount of splinters in the glass ceiling for women and how she showed wording is a little diff. but thats basically what she said

    Ok true, but thats one comment

    Nobody can even begin to count the the # of shiit comments that wreak out of hilary's mouth everyday

    Its ridiculous how Palin says one word and the democrats jump on it like no other, when really they have made the most awful comments & attack anything they can

  6. Hillary did nothing to deserve the attack. Palin is a *****.

    that is all.  

  7. i don't read tabloid magazines like newsweek  

  8. Because Hillary called hPlain just a pretty face.

  9. Because Palin is a strong, intelligent, self reliant woman, a whiner like Hillary was is very irritating to her, can you blame her. What a wonderful choice for VP.

  10. All Hillary did was whine during the primaries  

  11. She complained about Obama's attacks and bullying during the primary season.  It did sound a lot like whining, because politics is hardball.

  12. In March, Sarah Palin made a derogatory comment about Senator Clinton being a whiner during the primary campaign.  Since Palin and Clinton differ on literally every major issue, Palin said she was sorry that she wasn't able to vote for the first viable female candidate because of Clinton's whining and accused Clinton of hurting the cause of women.    

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