
Why did McCain Pick Palin over more qualified candidates?

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This year we had a plethora of super candidates like Rudy Giulliani, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney. These men are all better than McCain. Why did he not choose one of these honorable and experienced gentlemen to be his running mate?




  1. It is not just about getting the Hillary voters. It is also regarding those undecided women voters.

    A strategic political maneuver for sure. If Obama would have picked Hillary, McCain would have picked a man.

    Elizabeth L. Strauch, MBA

  2. I think if we defrost Ted Williams out of the cryogenic chamber, he'd have made a good running mate.

  3. Because Republicons believe that women are so shallow they will vote for a woman without any other reason other than gender and they want Hillary's followers to choose McCain...Not sound reasoning and really puts down women in my opinion.

  4. Why????

    We don't want anymore career politicians.  Sarah is a breath of fresh air.   She is not one of the good ole boys, she is a hockey mom, that's REAL change, she is one of us!

    Stop being a sexiest'

  5. To get the Hillary supporters...picking Palin was a big mistake

    OBAMA '08!

  6. He was looking for a Maverick like himself and one that goes against the establishment and gets the job done. With her executive experience she is heads above Obama and Biden!

  7. Secretly, He wants a real leader like Barack Obama.

  8. Look at the democrats choice for both president and vice-presidnt. A person who if he was not black would not even have a co-chair on any senate committee and a want-a-bee vice- president who only got 9000 votes.  

  9. Joe Lieberman explained to pundits that he felt McCain wanted someone outside traditional Washington politics and someone who had a record of accomplishments and was a maverick.

  10. He wanted a woman and this one has extras like the evangelicals

  11. When your VP is more qualified than the other's party's Presidential Nominee then you are ok.

    When Obama was asked about Palin being more qualified than him to be President, Obama compared his Campaign to her Mayoral experience not acknowledging she has been a Governor for two years at all.

    I used to at least respect the Democrats for women's rights, but in fact I am learning that Democrats are actually Sexist.

  12. I am sure his most ardent supporters, Huckabee, Romney and Lieberaman are wondering the same thing.

    Especially, Romney who has been the biggest talking head on Fox News for McCain.  He was talking like he was already the VP.

    Karl Rove apparently suggested Palin to the McCain camp.   The guy got Bush elected twice, so we will see if his magic is gone.

  13. Wanted to grab radical Hillary supporters who primarilly gone crazy for her gender.

  14. Gulliani, Huckabee, Thompson and Romeny are extremely capable men who want to distance themselves from this 2008 train wreck so that can run in 2012.

    They don’t want their political careers poisoned by association with the McCain debacle.

    Palin is just a throw-away.

    We should consider putting the Republican campaign dollars into funding Republican Senators and Congressmen.

    We should just write off this Presidential Mistake in 08

  15. I don't know why the republican party stuck themselves with such poor choices.....

  16. Because he knew it would instill FEAR in the Obama supporters and it did.

  17. Because McCain want to go down in history as the first LUST BUCKET TICKET, lol...Were he secretly has fondle sessions with his hot VP pick in the privacy of the oval office.."I can get you some money were both married, I just need you to do what Monica did to Bill"...

  18. Why did the Dems pick Obama when there were far more experienced candidates.  Why so far left with a questionable background and thin resume.

  19. He is trying to get more of the Evangelical and Women electorate.  

  20. He wants to snag the radical sexist element of the Hillary supporters and he is welcome to them.

    The republican men you lost are a higher number.

      Just don't vote my brothers.  

  21. He thinks the women in this country vote with their emotions instead of their intelect.  I think he made a serious error in his calculations.

    He's not going to get Hillary votes just because he chose a woman for VP.  He's going to lose more votes than he can imagine, because Palin is the exact opposite of Hillary on every issue.

  22. People are turned off by the old politicians.  They want someone who will really do the job, stop turning the other way from corruption for fear of retribution from their pary, even if it means political suicide.  She is that type.  Its very obvious the woman does what she believes in regardless of the consequences.  A very rare commodity these days.

  23. Because it has energized the base. McCain has all ready said if you don't think I won't have Romney with me in January you are mistaken. So he is going to have Romney in the cabinet.

    Huckabee has been stump speeches also.    

  24. because of the v****a, and the fact that McCain thinks women are stupid... Hey McSame women are smarter than that, and definetly smarter than you

  25. This was the PERFECT pick for McCain! Although McCain is very strong in defense and leadership he lacks a strong business/economics background which is what Palin brings to the table! It was also a brilliant choice because McCain will get a lot of woman voters who were going to vote for Clinton. The worst thing that could happen to this country right now is for nOBAMA to get into office. He has almost NO experience and is pretty much just a professional bullshitter. Don't be fooled by all the LIBERAL BS and the c**p they write. I mean come on how low is it to take a stab at McCain by saying he has 7 houses and he can't relate to the average person. Well, the liberal asses who wrote that should check how much nOBAMA made last year. He could have bought 7 houses with that as well so how the h**l could he relate to people? Not to mention the fact that McCain's wife was the one who purchased those houses! I quit reading stories on and because they are very liberal sites and they fill it with useless facts and c**p all the time.

  26. Why did the Democrats pick Obama the community organizer (peace be upon him)

  27. He was told to by Karl Rove and The PNAC.

    Some things do not "Change".

  28. Because he is trying to win the election.

    No good picking a more qualified VP if they couldn't beat Obama.

  29. Two words - Hillary Voters.

    Fortunately, it's not going to work.

  30. Palin was the most qualified candidate in McCain's opinion.  She is a reformer, a maverick, a whistleblower, even against someone in her own party.

  31. Because her husband is in the oil industry and drills in Alaska, which will allow Republicans to keep raising oil prices. Oil companies are salivating over Alaska like the big fat pigs that they are to drill the heck out of it til there's no natural beauty left, since they're not satisfied with the billions of dollars they're already taking from us as it is.

    They want more and more and so far Palin's been giving them all the green light like a hoe, spreading open all that glory for them to drill into cuz that's all she's good at in both her personal and professional life.

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