
Why did McCain call Sarah Palin his "soul mate" ?? Isn't that kind of sexist and creepy?

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He had only met her twice before, they differ on several major political issues. When asked if he made the right choice, why would he say "she is my partner and my soul mate"... WTF??? First, isn't that sexist? Would he say that about a male running mate?




  1. lol he probably finds her attractive and dreams that she should be his "soul mate.."

  2. His entire frontal lobe is yellow.

  3. He thought he was talking about George  Bush!

  4. Are you sure he didn't say cell mate? It seems she is in a lot of trouble. But if he did, it would be

  5. If I were Cindy, I would be very angry at that comment.

    Soul Mates denotes a "special" relationship.

  6. Sounds like they have completed some fancy new age ritual. Creepy.

  7. very.

  8. Because he's a twerp and picked her because she's attractive and it won't be to long before she starts running his show and he starts chasing her skirt. Did you see his body language when he announced her as VP. Totally submissive and nervous. He kept looking down towards her legs and seemed distracted. He's a Mini me Yoda looking twerp.

    Republicans try to act squeaky clean but are frauds. The Democrats know they're regular folks that make mistakes and that life is full of mistakes.

  9. Hahhaha, very good point.

    Then again he referred to his wife as a c*nt in front of reporters  while she was close by, and laughed then said "excellent point" when a supporter asked him "how do we beat the *****" referring to Hillary.

  10. Hearing that makes me sick. He just wasn't sure or ready for the question I guess.Like i have said before his and his running mate or so call "soul mate" will not lead this country well.

  11. Especially when you know his history. He was very married to Carol when he met Cindy, Within hours he publicly stated he was "in love". I think they call that adultery in the Bible by the way.

    He is in love once again. I have no reason to think that Palin will be game for such, but I do know whatever she was offered it was good enough to leave her infant after 3 days, and of course her other 4 children.

  12. Because they are on the same wavelength.


    I don't know.  What do you?


    Irrelevant question.  His running mate is female.

    Get over it.

  13. He called Tom Ridge, John Ridge 3 times the other day.  Perhaps the man ready to be president meant campaign mate.

  14. Only if you read into like a liberal would.

  15. Yeah it's creepy but does he know what a soul mate is?


    Has McCain been around Bush for so long that he can now use words out of context and do "Bushism" words?

  16. Okay, so he is hot for her. You should appreciate the fact that he still has a couple hormones left in his old tired body.

  17. Before the morons object - the link is FROM FOX NEWS.

    Second, it is beyond creepy. Why did he pick her?

    Why did he pick her?

    And I repeat, why in blazes did he pick this woman?

  18. He has an affinity for past beauty queens--first Cindy, now Sarah.

    He has a low opinion of women and sees them as trophies or campaign accessories.  In fact, they're interchangeable.  He actually seems to believe that Hillary supporters will flock to his side now that he has chosen another v****a-American.

  19. do i sense a mrs mcain #4. how much will #3 be worth in the divorce.

  20. he meant he relates to her, you know, like "kindred spirits."

  21. Oh please! He's older and was making a joke.  Wow, you can't say ANYTHING around liberals!

  22. Not as creepy as Bill Clinton offering you a cigar.

  23. Sexist? No.

    Creepy? Yes.

  24. He's schtooping her. She's 10 years younger than his wife. If he cheated on Carol with Cindy why wouldn't he cheat on Cindy with Sarah. He's womanizer.

    I hope the religious right enjoys their creationist.

  25. Why do you hate women and why do you have your head up your progressive A.S.S.

  26. Hillarious answer Jero! And YES it is creepy. If this man becomes president, we should all be afraid, be VERY afraid.

  27. He meant that she has the same views and ideas as him, that they both do things the same way, and they are both mavericks...Basicly, he was trying to say that she's a female version of him, that they have the same 'soul'...That's not that difficult to figure out

  28. I bet there will be rumors of an affair before long.

  29. I don't understand why he called her a soul mate.  I find it strange.

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