
Why did McCain choose Palin as his running mate? ?

by Guest32391  |  earlier

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Palin is a mother ( of 3 I think, not sure) whose husband ia a union man .

She is also the Governor of Alaska who has made enemies with the oil industry in Alaska.




  1. Because he's a damned genius.

  2. Mother of 5. Including infant with Downs syndrome. Son in the military. McCain choose Gov Palin to win over the Christian right, bring executive and leadership experience, which McCain, Obama, Biden don't have. And somebody who has PROVEN they are a REAL reformer, no Washington insider connection, and will bring real change, instead of giving speeches about it.

    As for the liberal racist game. Anyone who questions, disagrees with, doesn't vote McCain-Palin is a SEXIST HA

  3. mother of 5. She has executive experience. and about 2,000 more things than Obama has done.

    I know, a very poor choice.

  4. She has fought wasteful spending and corruption in government.  She is a Christian gun-owner and Washington outsider.  I think she was the perfect choice!  She has five kids.

  5. Why did the democrats choose Obama?

  6. so  whats  your point  women cant be  moms  how  did you get here . wake  up  women  are  strong  and  can run this country as good  or  better  than  a man  could  congratulations  Mr McCain on your choice


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

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