
Why did McCain choose Sarah Palin (inexperienced Alaskan mom/hunter) when Romney is experienced and likable?

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Why did McCain choose Sarah Palin (inexperienced Alaskan mom/hunter) when Romney is experienced and likable?




  1. this is hillarous...great laugh! (inexperienced Alaskan mom/hunter)

  2. Nobody knows how irrational the thinking becomes with age.

  3. MItt Romney is a great candidate and I almost wish he'd won  the nomination however he is Mormon and although we've come a long way there would still be a large constituency that just would flat not vote for him for that reason alone.

    Sarah Palin I know nothing about her other then her gender and that she's the Gov of Alaska however she does fit all the demographics that him and Obama are fighting over.  

  4. I find more hilarious a community organizer,( Whatever that may be)Short time Jr Senator ( running for the top office in the country

    That is hilarious!

  5. He wanted to have someone ready to have an affair with while married to Cindy.

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