
Why did McCain choose paddling over the qualified Condi Rice?

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Why did McCain choose paddling over the qualified Condi Rice?




  1. she showed no interest, and she's actually very busy at the moment as sec. of state.  

  2. Condi Rice probably would not have accepted. She will return to Academia (Stanford) and try to put a thankless job behind her.  She owes no one an explanation for her performance, she was called to some historical and dangerous situations and handled them all to the best of results.  History will treat her performance as among the greatest of our time.

  3. Good question.

    I have a sneaking suspicion she turned him down. Condi would have been a much better candidate then Mccain.

  4. My guess would be that McCain is trying to distance himself from Bush as much as he can. Picking Condi would tie him to Bush

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