
Why did McCain have real estate partnerships with a convicted criminal?

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Charles Keating cost the taxpayers of millions yet McCain tried to shield him from investigation. Was it because of the real estate development in which they were partners? Or was it due to the special gifts and well over one hundred thousand in campaign donations?




  1. Hey -- I thought only criticizing Obama was allowed on here!  LOL

    Thank you for pointing out that pretty much ALL candidates have had dealings with people who may turn out later to be criminals.  That is just the life of politics.

    Wouldn't it be great if the only issues were the real issues about running the country and policies???

  2. A democrat looked into it an found McCain did nothing wrong.  It was his wife who had the partnership.

    Obama is the one who bought his house with a deal from a crimanal.  

    Tony Rezko

  3. It's done on both sides of the political coin & both sides will say it about the other but fail to mention when their candidate does some wrong doings.

  4. WAIT! DON'T!

    Keating 5 is the Obama campaign's defense against Rezko if McCain brings it up! Hold your fire!

  5. Because if Obama supporters are Ok with his underworld involvement why should anyone care about McCain being found NOT GUILTY.

  6. McCain doesn't need money, so this one was more based on political influence from Keating than the money angle.

  7. I think you mean Obama and Tony Rezko.

  8. Ha Ha...McCain has never met a bribe he wouldn't take.  Laundering bribes through Cindy's enterprises is why Cindy will not provide complete financial disclosure.  The fact that a Multimillionaire accepts bribes is  a peek into the criminally flawed character of good old songbird McCain

  9. The pot should not call the kettle black.

  10. This has no impact on me. People buy and sell real estate all the time. Do you really believe any congress person is any different and would have done different. Problem is we (public) find out. Decide on the candidate you vote for on what they will do for the country, quit focusing on personal things., Everyone is entitled to make money and live life.

  11. I do not know, but McCain's pal Rick Renzi has not been convicted yet.

  12. What is your source on the RE investment.  It looks like a lie to me.  Be glad to check it out unless you care not to disclose.

    Obama/Rezko is pretty cut and dried though.

  13. Because he likes working with people of the same moral value system as himself. And if you think Charles Keating wasted a lot of taxpayer money, just wait and see how many billions Obama will waste.

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