
Why did McCain lie to Cindy about his age ?

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Is he born liar ?




  1. His Mother lies with her hand on the Bible.

    Lying is a McCain Family tradition.

    That's why they are Republicans.

  2. Cause he's an old f**t, and half of his facts about him being in the war are all lies.

  3. Because male politicians lie to younger, attractive women for only one reason:  their money.

  4. y not he can get away with it see now if obama did it it would b diffrent cuz hes a faqqqqqqq

  5. Yes, the first qualification, and most important, for being president of the US is "Did you tell your wife your real age?"

    I think we've had at least one single man become president, how did he get by that qualification?

  6. Maybe for the same reason he committed adultery with his first wife.  He wanted a woman and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

    Check to see all the lies that will be coming now from now to November.

  7. McCain lied to Cindy because yes, he is a born liar.  He is pathetic and would make a gross and horrible president.  Maybe he thought that since Cindy is so classy and was voted like Ms. Junior Rodeo or whatever else her white trash life entailed, he could snag her by saying he was younger than he really was.  Either way, McCain blows and so does his trashy wife.

  8. who cares

  9. he's the captain of the lying express. he'll take it in the butt for anything. indeed he is pathetic.  

  10. Alzheimers made him forget.  

  11. This is pretty lame attack on a politician. I don't know what you are talking about and could care less. How Could O be involved in a slimy land deal with a convicted real estate developer? How could O attend a church for 20 years and not know how radical his pastor was? How could O be friends with an unrepentant terrorist Bill Airs? How could a man who served less than 200 days in the US Senate think he was qualified to be president?

  12. he's a politician ... the ONE thing their good at... is lying.  

  13. He forgot how long he's been around. It happens to old people.

    Not that McCain is old. Compared to Methuselah he's a youth.*

  14. It just comes naturally to him.

  15. Thats a new one but not a bit surprising and not the last, he is consistant in saying what people want to hear, I would be  less surprised if he had told her he was not married at the time, oh well

  16. Duh he a liar. he just like george bush so of course. VOTE OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Yes, McCain is a liar. I can't believe some people actually want this olg guy running our country. Ever word that comes out of his mouth is a lie -.-  

    Vote Obama!

  18. Huh?

    Get over yourself.

    Obama wants to pull us all "up" but allows his brother to live on $12 annually.

    Does Obama have a heart?  Or is he really the empty suit everyone is calling him?

  19. Yes

  20. is this a for realz question?

    cuz he's so dang old that he doesn't want people to know that when he gets elected he'll have a heart attack

    c'mon bud

  21. I think he was afraid that she wouldn't go out with him because he was a lot older than her. She lied to him too. She thought he wouldn't ask her out if he knew how young she was. Obviously, they were both very smitten with one another. I don't think it makes either of them a liar. I really don't think it is that unusual for someone to lie about their age when it comes to being in love. You lose all sense of practicality. Don't Democrates ever fall in love?

  22. Wonder what lies he's telling us?

  23. Cindy lied, telling everyone she was an only child.

  24. So what if he said he was 70 when he was really 452.  Does it really matter that much?

  25. I couldn't care less.

  26. Just as he "forgot" how many homes he owns, he forgot his age too.

  27. Wouldn't you if a hundred million were on the line?

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