
Why did McCain make 30 anti American propaganda films in exchange for better treatment by the Vietnamese?

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Why did McCain make 30 anti American propaganda films in exchange for better treatment by the Vietnamese?




  1. Shoreke

    Are you that desperate? Obama doesn't need your kind of help........

  2. that's a good question.  either you are a liar or you read and believed a lie.  

    why don't you ask Barrack Hussein Obama, "when did you stop beating your wife?"

  3. And you watched them last night, right? Where you get your weed? Obama?

  4. That man did nothing wrong as it is called self preservation and in his place wouldn't you.

  5. Where did you get this stuff?

    I don't believe what they say about what Obama did to his nieces either!

  6. why did Obama make 427 male on male films while reading from the koran?  

    look, it's on the internet now, it must be true.

  7. Wouldn't you do the same?

    I would.

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