
Why did McCain pick Palin?

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1. To get the votes of disappointed Hillary supporters?

2. To get the votes of the Christian Fundamentalists?

In my opinion, no reasonable Hillary supporter can support Palin. The only thing that they have in common is that they are both women and American citizens. I think McCain picked her because of the Christian Fundamentalists.

Your opinions please?




  1. 3. She's a hot milf.

    But yeah, it goes to show you what he thinks about the office of the VP, which is that it doesn't matter. And I don't think his blatant attempt to shore up his weak base and go after Hillary supporters will work.

  2. Because he actually thought he was going to pick up Hillary's supporters with this abysmal choice. The man is an idiot.

  3. shes a milf, mccain horny old man

  4. Desperation.  He needs a gimmick.

    She will NOT attract Hillary's supporters as she is ideologically just another McCain.

    He already has the Christian Fundamentalists wrapped up so she is no help there.

  5. I suspect both.

    Its somewhat hard to tell.  I would think he was going for the Christian Fundamentalists; but if her being a woman happens to pull some of those Hillary voters who just want a woman in charge, so much the better.

    Not really targeting them, but if it helps, he'd take it.

    But then, there is her acceptance speech.  Her bringing up Clinton's "18 million cracks in the ceiling" comments suggests that they are, in fact, looking for women voters and especially disgruntled Clinton supporters.

    If that is McCain's plan, he's in serious trouble.  If his plan is simply to have a woman on and believe that doing so will attract women, then it will show.  Then the lack of respect for women in believing that they will vote solely because of gender and not on issues would also show through; and that would cost him votes.

    We don't know enough about Palin to say which reason yet.  If she does have other attributes and stances on issues that attract voters, there is argument for saying McCain believes she is the best person for the job.

    And if that argument can be made, he won't lose women voters because of blatant disrespect.  It won't absolutely guarantee their votes, but women will at least give his side a chance.

    If Palin winds up showing massive inexperience and/or judgement, it would lend credence to the idea that McCain just thought a woman would attract women, and by extension his complete lack of respect for women's intelligence.  Then he won't be given a chance, because he will have shown he doesn't take them seriously.

    Palin has to show her competence level before we can really answer this question.

  6. cause he wanted to loose

  7. Honestly, I have no idea why he would put the United States in jeopardy by making such a shockingly irresponsible and reckless choice.

    It was a rash decision and frightening lapse in judgment on his part. A knee jerk reaction to the momentum of the Obama campaign success, and a transparent attempt to appeal to Hillary supporters (like me) and the religious fundamentalist vote. She in no way compares to Hillary Clinton. Not even close.

    She has zero qualifications to be President on day 1.

    She has zero foreign policy experience.

    She has zero experience in Washington.

    She has zero national security qualifications.

    McCain has only spoken to her ONCE before asking her to be his VP. He doesn't even know her.

    He has disrespected those many Republican women who have the qualifications and experience to be President ON DAY ONE.

    No matter what party you are affiliated with, in the event of another war. with Russia or Iran, who would you rather be at the helm at the Oval Office: Joe Biden or Sarah Palin?

    I am dismayed at McCain. Really dismayed. I was one that could have voted for him at some stage, but he has really lost all credibility now as a person able to be trusted to make sound judgments that are in the best interests of the US, not in the best interests of John McCain.

  8. She certainly does shore up the conservative base of the party.

    Also, she brings more foreign negotiating experience to the table than does Senator Obama.  As Governor of Alaska, Governor Palin, and her predecessors, routinely have to deal with Canada and Russia over trade, oil,  transportation, fishing rights, and other issues.  Senator Obama has never, to my knowledge, had to conduct such negotiations.

  9. I am not racist or sexist.

    McCain is 72 years old, dont you guys think that he might just get an heart attack and die. Whats going to happen then?  Sarah Palin is going to be the president of USA?? She is one beautiful babe, not fit for the job. Never compare Hillary with her, Hillary has more than 20 years of first hand experience in the white house. But Palin has been the governor of Alaska and thats it. BTW Alaska has more reindeer then people.

    McCain is rolling the dice, I dont know if he is a gambler but here he is gambling big time. Maybe because he knows he has lost the elections already.  

  10. So we Republicans could call all the Obama sexist for not voting for a female VP.  I'm planning to do it to my sister for playing that game with Feinstein and Boxer.  

  11. For many older women who are possibly voting in their last election she will be a tempting choice to make history.  All about the debates and scandal.

  12. Because she is a great choice for V.P.

      I believe that John McCain and the Republicans chose her because of what she represents for Americans...a good role model, a good mother, a Christian mother, highly intelligent and served in several political careers before becoming the first woman in the state of Alaska to become Governor. Her husband is down to earth, and works for an Alaskan industry, they have five beautiful children.

    They are a wholesome American family....perfect role model for our children...I was just worried about this the other day...well, the Lord has answered my prayers through John McCain's choice for Vice President. Thank you God!

  13. its actually coz mccain got turned out by palin one night in the pub a week b4 his screwed up campaign 2 become president and he went home l8er that day and fully had passionate s*x with her

  14. Because he wanted to help Obama to win. Which he did.

  15. I think he knows that Obama is very popular amongst the voters. If he had a female running mate, he would have an even better chance against Obama. I think Hillary supporters aren't in it for Hillary, but the fact that ANY female is in office appeals to them. Those same Hillary supporters would support any female that walked into office.

  16. her expertise with domestic energy.

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