
Why did McCain pick someone we DON'T KNOW?

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Aren't American voters involved in this little event called the Presidential Election?




  1. I think he wants us to see what he sees in her.  I feel that she is very intelligent and is willing to challenge big business.  I understand she has executive experience and is a mother and all of that--but I agree with you.  Most people do not know who she is.  

    She was mayor of a city with less than 6,000 people.  That's like being President of a small univeristy. The entire state of AK has a population of 670,000 people. She does not hold any advanced degrees, no foreign policy experience, legal experience, or much of anything that persuades me she is a great pick for VP.

    Nothing she has done compares to McCain, Obama, or Biden's accomplishments.

    Everyone can see he picked her because she is a young, a woman, and attractive.

  2. according to cnn.........mccain dont even know her. find the story its pretty interesting.

    apparently he met her only 6 months ago.......and then didnt speak to her until a week ago after obama picked biden

  3.   Power struck and will do any thing to become president. There are some women that will vote for him because she is a woman. LOL

  4. This goes to show you that Mccain is a crazy unqualified war monger, who makes irrational judgements,but I feel very confident he will lose.

  5. because he's reaching. if it was hillary he would have tried to get condi rice..ya know a BLACK WOMAN.

    fact is women aren't gonna go out and vote for him because of her and he's not winning any new votes because he already has the conservative vote..and anyone telling you..oh i'm a conservative and i'm a swing down right lying to you

    I don't see why obama is even bothering trying to win over folks that HAVE NO INTEREST in voting for him and never will. No matter what they say...ya know like all them swing voters from 04 election..ya know the same one's who said they were gonna vote kerry but ended up voting for ya know who?

  6. Yes we did know about Joe Biden 2 years ago John. He's been a senator since 1973 and I believe he tried to run for president once already.  Where have you been?

    Palin is an unknown and has nothing to offer.  Well, there is the experience in the PTA, as if anyone cares,  lol. The point is that the only people who have heard of her before today are Alaskans.  We never hear anything about Alaska, they are pretty isolated up there.

    The only reason McCain picked her is to sway the Hillary vote.  Of course we are not THAT stupid.

    *smartipants, everyone knows Joe Biden.  You must be one of those young voters who  never paid attention until you heard the word Obama.  I bet you don't know who the secretary of State is...You won't pay attention to any sort of politics until the next election.

  7. So that he can throw curve balls at us.  Be assured that is how he will run our government if he should get elected...Curve balls!

  8. You should pay attention.  She has been talked about as a VP potential for the last three months.

    And how many Obama supporters really know Biden, given that none of them on here can even spell his name?

  9. Palin? Popular? You mean like a celebrity? A celebrity that poses in vogue magazine?

  10. He thought it was safer than picking a complete moron like Biden that, unfortunately, we all know.

  11. He picked her cause of her looks, and what's between her legs.

  12. I was open and waiting for Nov to really make my choice, BUT then McCain came out with Ms. Palin.  Who is this woman?  She's from Alaska the 60th state!  She's been Governor for 2 years... woopie!

    I'm insulted as a woman.

    I loved Hiliary and thought that she would have been a great president, but if McCain thinks that he can just put anyone w/ breast and *** on the ticket and women are stupid enough to vote for him, then he really doesn't get it.

    So what she's Governor, it's Alaska dammit w/ the population of 600.

    And she's lying already, she was all for the road to no where bridge, now she gets on stage and make a statement how she was against it, and told the "good ole boys" No.

    I'm not going to sit this election out because of McCain and Obama, my vote counts and I'm sorry, but Obama just might have scored one more w/ me.

    I'm disappointed in McCain.  

    And for those that say, she's only the VP.  The VP might have to step into the President's shoes at any time, especially in McCain's place... he's over 70!  What condition will this country be in if she's has to take over.  You must take this into consideration.  Elections are important to every American.  We've had Bush for 8 years and although McCain's policy were too close to Bush, I still considered him, but this last stunt has pissed me off.

    If he wanted a woman... w/ strength, background and is known, he could have pick Condoliza (however you spell her name), but Sara Palin... who the h**l is she and what makes her a good candidate for VP.

    Come on people, I'm not trying to get anyone to vote for Obama, you do what your heart tells you, but this is scary.  McCain met her once.  You're going to tell me he was so amazed, smittened, blown away by her political views and  accomplishment that he looked over Roomney, Liberman, etc.

    Come the h**l on.

  13. Alaskans are Americans too.  Geez.  Alaska is a STATE, just like any other one.  Be glad he picked someone who is a strong leader, is smart, has morals, and has more experience than Obama.

  14. Because he was desperate to try to upstage Obama.  Thing is those kind of tactics tend to backfire as I am sure it will before November.  The shock factor can only take you so far.

  15. ABC NEWS said it was to shake things up after he'd heard Obama's speech last night. They said he'd originally picked Liebermann, but changed his mind late last night.

    He looked soooo pleased with himself on TV today. Amazing.

  16. Because the only people we know are those the party(s) and media permit any exposure.


  17. Maybe if you stopped watching that so called "news network" MSNBC you would be smarter. Did you know after McCain made his choice for VP, MSNBC posted a breaking news headline "How many houses does Palin bring to the Republican ticket". That was real cute, but proves they're immature.

  18. He picked an outsider, that has made change. Clearly showing that he is not the same as Bush.

  19. because he thinks Hillary supporters are irrational and illogical idiots that are going to vote for him because he picked a woman VP who has even less experience than his opponent

  20. simple...alaska drills, and keeps profits for it's own state.

    he will use her do defend his...drill drill drill method of trying to fix things

    They have been for years...remember the pipe line?...remember how long it took before they seen any benifits?

  21. Yeah, and did you know who Barack Obama was 2 years ago?  I think not.  Instead of putting Hillary who could have actually whip McCain's butt, you have instead picked an unknown entity.  Well, why is it bad when the Republicans pick an unknown person?  So you have one rule, and we have another??  what rubbish!!

  22. We know her. You don't.

  23. Don't worry, you'll get to know her.

  24. Because he is a piece of ****, that is trying to show HILLARY up, it shows, he plays kid games, and is full of underhanded type things.

    He is using her to win, the women over, that had voted for Hillary...but she dont have  hope in h**l, no one can top HILLARY, she rocks!!

    OBAMA 08

  25. You'll learn all about them during the debates.

  26. I never heard of obama before he decide to run for president.  I didn't care about mccain, barely knew who he was. I've never heard about biden either.

    I think it's better this way. She isn't corrupt  or at least not yet.

  27. I've known her all along, is this a popularity contest or something?

    Who cares.

  28. Why did the Democrats pick someone we don't know?

    Let's be honest here - before rumors of his possible candidacy started floating around, no one outside of Illinois had heard of Obama.

  29. I knew fact she was being earmarked for a 2012 run if okramba actually won...of course this is just a liberal pipe dream now!

  30. I did not know McCain picked Obama ?

  31. What do you mean by "we" buckwheat?  I know her very well.  She is very well known by leaders in this country.  She is the most popular governor in the country.  Anyone who is INFORMED on the goings on in this country is familiar with Sarah Palin.  Just because you are not up on what is happening don't project that ignorance on "we."

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