
Why did McCain say the country is broken after he have been in office for 26 years ?

by Guest62802  |  earlier

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WHY do McCain think after 26 years in office with him doing nothing the AMERICAN peoples would trust john to lead this country forward .Haven't McCain been part of problems for the last 26 years why would anyone in this country vote for the status qua ?




  1. The word "broken" might be referenced to the divided consensus especially in critical issues like war in Iraq or g*y marraiges perhaps. With these then I could say that there is a measure of truth in what he is saying.But also, I do agree that when he said that remark, the words have betrayed the speaker:himself. He was, and still is, a public servant of U.S. may he be a part of the problem or solution since that he's been a part of it. He might be lamenting on the unfortunate fact that everyones effort is not working including his.

    Status quo sometimes work especially if the nation is not yet ready to partake in a new direction. Rushing things might trigger premature developments. His 26 years of service might be held against him if we are to look at the finer points of U.S. today. But we must also not forget that McCain is just a part of the bigger picture.You have to include everyone else. There are other factors still to consider. That reason, if not alone, is enough to make him conclude that there must be something wrong. 26 years of service , I'm afraid, could not be equated with forward mobility.Nevertheless, "broken" is too harsh for describing U.S.'s current state.    

  2. it has the same kind of logic that the bush administration had in 2004 when they said essentially 'we have to clean up this mess' as if someone else had been in charge for the first bush term.

    they say these things for one reason and one reason only:

    they poll well.

    they have no connection with the reality of their own role in these situations and simply don't care about anything other than getting more power so that they can continue to raid the usa's citizens property (current oil giveaway proposals) and continue to enrich their friends with the usa's public property for pennies on the dollar.

  3. The last two years have been Democratic controlled!

  4. McCain must be in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

  5. You just compare McCains record to Obamas record. Obamas Record is c**p. He is the one that has DONE NOTHING !!!! You make all these claims. Do some Home work instead of getting your infor for left wing blogs.

  6. a single man can not be rated on the jobs of many.. where are the dems. now when the country is in trouble.vacation

  7. I am a Republican, and will ( reluctantly) support McCain.

    I do agree with you.It isn't McCain, but it's all of them. The country is broken, things are messed up, but WTF have THEY been doing, After all they've been in a long, long time. (Kennedy, Kerry, Specter, etc etc etc.) Anything more constructive than pointing fingers and finding someone else to blame???

    For this  reason, I believe  nominating a president who has been a senator is a mistake.  They're so used to doing it the way they do in Fantasyland on the Potomac.

    I'd rather see a governor be nominated. They're used to  having to deal with REAL issues, such as budgets, tax revenue, running the government, etc.,

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