
Why did McCain select the Governor of Alaska for his Running Mate?

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I'm not being mean or sarcastic and would appreciate answers that are neither as well. I'm trying to understand the political reasoning behind Sen. McCain's decision. I AM NOT BEING CRITICAL OF EITHER INDIVIDUALS; but I'd love to hear from some of our political "commentators" on their thoughts. Thank you.




  1. She is the best person for the job.

  2. the only reason mccain indited palin is so she would attract the votes of all the women that were let down when hilary lost. its for all the people that vote for a candidate on the idea of special interest. not the candidates policies. thats it plain and simple. try to find another answer as to why you would make a soccer mom mayor from alaska with no experience the vice pres.

  3.   This was maverickism in action. And I'm not being sarcastic either. Some people love it, and some think it's nuts. Maverickism!

  4. Ask him

    She is a maverick,

    She is articulate

    She is a pro-life Christian

    She is a mother of five

    She is a hottie.

  5. I posted this in another question, but here.

    These are some things she brings with her.

    1. Just based on the noise generated, she is a very good pick.

    2. She proven to be effective against corruption.

    3. She brings Executive experience to a race that had none. Governer Powlenty could have done this as well.

    4. She's from outside the beltway and has a proven record for reform.

    5. She was the most outspoken socially conservative candidate available and energizes the conservative Republican base that McCain has been utterly uninspiring to.

    6. Its hard to miss, but she is female. Once the rejection reflex from Hillary supporter cools, many people will look twice at her and also the Republican ticket.

    This list is in no way exhaustive. There are many other subtle reasons for the decision.  Mostly it think it was probably McCain's gut.

    Palin wasn't a rash decision. The media has been following her for weeks in secret. This was a deliberate well thought out decision.

  6. Mccain is worried. There has been a real increase in democrats voter registration and less excitement on the republican side. Many republicans are supporting Obama and the womens vote is a crucial voting block. Mccain is trying to capatilize on the upset Hillary Clinton supporters and at best he is pandering. This is really bad move on his part. Sarah Palin is a staunch consevative and is against abortion rights even if a woman is a victim of incest or rape, she is anti g*y rights, and all for the nra. She has close ties to big oil

    When you look at Sarah Palin she has a year and a half experience as being governor of alaska's polulation of roughly 697,000 and was a mayor of a town of about 5000.

    Joe Biden is a 35 year experienced senator who is on the foreign relations board and has traveled abroad and is well recieved among other world letters. He is also on the Senate Judiciary committe. He has been many bill which include The Violence Against Womens Act and The Crime Bill that put 100,000 cops on the street and led to a nation crime reduction.

    I think this lessens the question of experience because there is no comparison between Biden an Palin. If something happens to Mccain and he happens to win Sarah become preisent and  would not be ready to lead. I think this displays poor judgent on Mccain's part and shows that he is really wreckless in his decision process. He is willing to compromise America's best interests just so he can appeal to some disenchanted voters. I also feel this shows that really he does not understand the Hillary supporters the voted for her because of her positions and her experience. Sarah on the other hand does represent Hillary's policy postions and has never fought for Hillary number once cause "universal healthcare. Appeasement of this type has been seen by many women simply as insulting. Lastly, when you consider the conservative base there is a big question as to if they will support this ticket. The dynamics of this race has beeen changed in a major way and is a big gamble and plays to Obama's favor.

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