
Why did NBC not show the singing of the national anthem prior to each game?

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I feel that the singing of the national anthem is a key part of any professional sports championship. Why did NBC only show it once? Isn't that very unpatriotic for them to just go to commercial and skip it?




  1. Because it is the NBC channel (Nothing but Crosby), it would take too much time not focusing on Crosby

  2. NBC is anti-american

  3. i think because that is usually when someone throws an octopus out on the ice, they are stupid and didnt want to show that maybe.

  4. Its all about $$$$$$$.

    More money in commercials.

  5. Cause NBC sucks!

  6. I have to agree with one of the other answerers, NBC wants the money that comes from commercials. I personally (and advise anyone else who gets the channel) watch CBC instead, and get much more out of the game.

  7. because they are a corporate media channel and they get money through commercials and not the national anthem.  i thought it was a little strange.  i dont know who sang it, but if it wasnt someone famous maybe they thought people wouldnt care.

  8. bizzare.  Their own anthem.

    CBC showed the national anthem for each game.  Even foreign anthems don't freak us out.

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