
Why did Nancy Pelosi the great DEM hope not impeach bush when she had a chance to &like she said she would?

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If she had done that 2 years ago perhaps Russian relation would have deteriorated to the DUST!!!!!




  1. You're right, had she impeached Bush two years ago, the relationship with Russia would've been "dust" because we would've simply offered them Alaska and maybe a couple of the lower 48 states if they'd pretty please pull out of Georgia.

    BTW, Nancy never intended to impeach anyone, just get elected. That was it. Democrats have a long, long, long history of saying anything to get elected. They ALWAYS say one thing and do another...or nothing at all.

    P.S. I agree with fmko, impeach for what? LOL!

  2. Damm you Dino,you are a true freak of the pages,I am a true patriot ,you are a commie loving traitor,A liberal piece of scum,No crimes committed,no laws broken,no lies ever said, what don,t you get about that fact about our great two term president ? have a nice day at the races you traitor.   caincruser58.

  3. Pelosi doesn't keep her promises she exercises a woman's prerogative to change her mind like a hooker does her underware! Anotherwords the woman is a habitual liar

  4. Something to do with having a spine i think. Perhaps also a bit of a payoff from someone connected to the Bushes. She hopes that he will leave, write a book and the world will move on no one has to know how flawed our system is. Democrats do what they do best give up, lie down, play dead.

  5. If Bush had been impeached two years ago, guess who would be the President now.  

    That's all the answer you need.

  6. When you go through an impeachment you always open a can of worms.  Most politicians watch the other politicians back..even their opponents..Professional courtesy?

  7. She didn't want to waste her time. By the time she got the power to do so, his term would be ending in less than 2 years. It would take as long as that just to get somewhere near halfway done impeaching him, with trial after trial. Once he's out of the way he will be prosecuted for his war crimes - that's if he doesn't find a way to safely flee to his home in Dubai.

  8. Uh,Maybe because she cant. He did not do an impeachable defense. And Pelosi is the one that should be impeached,for s******g the American people.

  9. I don't have much respect for Nancy Pelosi. How dare her. I think she should be thrown out for taking impeachment off the table too early. Kudos to Dennis Kucinich for standing up for what is right. He has the courage and the facts behind him to withstand the mockery and criticism. The American people do not deserve to have someone as honorable as Kucinich leading this nation. That's the conclusion I am drawing. To me Dennis is the #1 American. It's hard to truly make that leap about Russia but it could be accurate. Bush has done so many things wrong. Cheney should have been kicked out for insubordination.

    He's a fear monger who has a lot to fear because he lets emotion rule.

    edit: I like what Robin C says. Cheney was the first person Kucinich sought to impeach and he has evidence. He finally got enough evidence to seek impeachment against Bush.

  10. We will go over this again. President Bush will step-down from office on 20 January 2009 and retire to their little ranch in Texas -- fish, golf and take long walks.  ///The end///

  11. Ghi Guy is right she has less credibility than President Bush...I may not agree with everything Bush has done but I hope that Marisa K is wrong if anyone tries to prosecute Bush for war crimes we will see the greatest division in the people of the USA since the civil war...

    always nosnod

  12. Probably because she did not have a legal leg to stand on.

  13. impeach for actually need something to impeach him for before they can do anything...hatred of Bush isn't a reason for actually need substance...

  14. Seriously speaking, both the Bushes picked running mates, Quayle and Cheney with care.  Neither Bush would get impeached because NO ONE would want either VP as president!

  15. Bush would have been impeached in a minuet but there were no legal reasons to do so.If the democrats had one good reason provable he would have been impeached. he will be gone soon so I choose to look forward and not wallow in my own self pity.

    EDIT: FP, if you are correct,the the democrats are at fault are they not?That leaves the rest of us innocent as we could have not done anything about this situation.

  16. Because she is a spineless worthless liar.

    Pelosi has less credibility than GW Bush. That is a hard feat to accomplish.

  17. First off Pelosi is all talk. She says falsehoods all the time and nasty things along with it. She knew two years ago the Bush could not be impeached because he did nothing wrong. You have to break the law first to get impeached, just like Bill Clinton did. She is still peeved that Her "Bill" did get impeached and can't get over it. She is the WORST choice for speaker of the house that the dems could have ever picked.

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