
Why did New Labour get thrashed in Glasgow? What is wrong with their policies?

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Must confess I agree with much said....but I do hate liars. And of course, there policies have encouraged crime. The young are being failed. Tough love is needed...oh and PC is a curse on us all. Good old fashioned tolerance and fair play

is good. Attempted mind control is the work of evil. But then they are merely joining up Thatcher's dots.......I personally think little of Tories and Labour. They simply prove we that whilst we have the right to vote....we are not living in a true democracy. Oh that even the MPs were free to vote for the people they represent instead of being bullied by the whips....




  1. Just about everything.

  2. poll tax.

    cost of living.



    two wars.

    bailing out bankrupt banks.

    selling of our last few remaining uk companies.


    referendum on europe.

    housing market slump.

    expecting people to live on £60 a week.

    awarding themselves pay rises and expenses while the rest of us have to go without.

    domestic fuel prices rising at will.

    new labour.

    over taxed.

    unemployment on the rise.

    bugging our wheelie bins.

    just ripping us off at will and we dont do anything about it.

    they are not listening.

    problem solved .i say get rid of this expensive tax burden that we call the poll= tax and we will all have about a thousand £££s a year to spend.

  3. Because of their Policies & Gordon Brown,

    Well done to the SNP,

  4. Their policies are to give foreigners more rights than the indigenous people.

    Their policies are to look after immigrants more than the indigenous people.

    Their policies of giving money willy nilly to foreign countries are wrong, when we still have families living in caravans from being flooded over a year ago.

    They are a drain on the country, the UK is bankrupt and the saddest part is labour voters can not see it, the next government (whoever takes over) will have to raise taxes just to get the country back in the black.

    Labour can not count!

  5. what is right with them???

    People are fed up of politicians living in luxury whilst htey struggle to find a job. Yet we are paying for MPs to have two houses, we pay for their sky subscriptions for god's sake!

    They are doing nothing in any area of the country, let alone Glasgow, that is actually helping to reduce unemployment or crime. They are incompetent and corrupt and are becoming more out of touch by the minute.

  6. Ding Dong, I tell you  the New Labour lads are plonkers as they say in London,

    in Wales we say Their Barmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

  7. To be honest dude they hardly got thrashed did they, they lost by 400 votes. That's incredibly tight.

    People do seem pretty angry with Labour at the moment, the whole Wendy Alexander debacle is a particular sore point in Scotland. However, the SNP are kidding themselves if they think this vote means anything to them. Labour lost, the SNP didn't win.

    Answers above rail against all the classic right-wing bogeymen, taxes, immigration etc, but the reality is that the economic problems we're having at the moment are caused by global trends, not domestic ones, the Conservatives have publicly accepted that they would have to raise taxes should they get in and they probably wont restrict immigration either, because immigrants are essential to our economy and Cameron knows it.

  8. Because all the policies they have tried implementing have failed.

    They have a history of failing the country and it's citizens.


  9. There is a bit of irony here - most of the constituents of Glasgow East are on the Incapacity Benefits etc that have flourished under New Labour (but are stopping; could this be the reason for they way they voted?).

  10. too many foreigners, too much political correctness. and they are c**p. take your pick.

  11. What is wrong with their policies? I guess you do not live in the UK.

    A quicker question would be what is right with their polices - nothing!

    Quality of life in free fall, higher taxes, lowest social mobility since records began, highest discrepancy between rich & poor, record budget defeceit etc etc

  12. I think I have to agree with The Woo here.  SNP didn't win, Labour lost.  Not by much, but enough to show that the public have lost all faith in them.

    Glasgow was always one of their safest seats and now they have lost it - they would have to have to pull a massive u-turn if they even want to stand a chance in the next general election and we can all safely say that won't happen.

    I don't live in Glasgow anymore but it saddens me to see it in the hands of the SNP.

  13. With a bit of luck Gordon Brown will go next and I really thik he will.

  14. I think people have just had enough of their inefficiency and corruption.

  15. *Sky high taxes

    *Increasing state controlled 'Big Brother' society

    *Political correctness overrules common sense

    *More people reliant on State handouts than ever before

    *Billions have been wasted on public services which haven't improved if got worse

    *Refusal to give Referendum on EU Constitution

    I could go on. These aren't just reasons why they lost in Glasgow, these are reasons why Labour will comprehensively lose the next General Election because people are sick to the back teeth of their idiotic policies country wide.

  16. they have no policies they keep changing them every week. also know one likes Brown who voted him in as leader no one

  17. They got beaten for the same reason that they lost control of the Scottish Parliament in 2007 - the Scots are fed up with the corrupt, do-nothing, Westminster-subservient policies of the Labour Party.

    What is wrong with Labour? They are a Unionist party and Scotland wants Nationalism.

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