
Why did OJ go to jail or why was he suspected?

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i know its a dumb question because it is such a popular case but i don't have any idea what he did. apparently he is not in jail? can someone fill me in on what he did?

your opinions on his actions are definitely welcomed





  1. You must have been born in 1994.

  2. OJ became a suspect in the murder of his ex wife about 2 days after the event. He was in Chicago at the time, but the time line constructed by police indicated that he could have committed the crime before flying there. There was physical evidence such as the infamous bloody glove, cuts to his hand (his explanation of them were not credible), and the victims' dna in his vehicle. there was also circumstantial evidence (he had his passport, money, and a disguise in his SUV when taken into custody) as well. He was tried for murder, but for a number of reasons found not guilty. The reasons included evidence not admitted into court, testimony tainted by racial implications, the complexity of the scientific evidence (This is before CSI popularized forensics), and by a very highly paid defense team outgunning the LA District Attorneys office.  Since he has been tried, he cannot be tried criminally for those crime again. He did however lose a civil case, where instead of meeting "beyond a reasonable doubt" as burden of proof, the suing families had only to meet a preponderence of evidence. They were also able to bring into play some of the evidence not used in the original trial. It seems now that OJ spends most of his time avoiding paying out on the civil trial while trying to maintain the style of living he always has. (and yes, I believe he's guilty, based on everything I've read on both sides)

  3. He got away with murdering two people.  That he can not be tried again for. So, I heard he said he did do it.  Besides, that being born comes to mind.

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