
Why did Obama and Biden quickly silence a hit piece his campaign put out about Sarah Palin?

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I think I heard screeches when the two fellas' penny lovers came to a grinding halt and they reversed course.




  1. No silence just amazement and silent laughter

  2. huh?

  3. Because it belied Obama image as an alleged  "gentleman".

  4. It would go against his whole "no dirty campaigning" thing...

    Also, an immediate negative attack would make him look weak and intimidated by McCain's choice.  Instead, the Obama camp is TRYING to appear nonchalant.

  5. They did attack and then backed off.

  6. I didn't see any hit piece.  I hope Sen. Clinton will speak out against McCain's obvious gimmick to try and ride her coattails.

  7. That's not what their campaign stands for.

  8. Your source?

  9. Because Obama has class.  When was the last time the republicans ever reverse themselves on an attack.  They don't and never will, the are classless.  

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