
Why did Obama choose Joe Biden after Biden said Obama was not ready to lead and needed on the job training? ?

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How can Obama address McCain's ad quoting Biden dissing Obama? Is this a wise choice? Biden definitely knows his stuff but would he not have made a better Secy of State than VP?




  1. Hasn't everyone said this?

  2. A lot of people said that... Then Obama beat them all.  Next up: McCain

  3. obamas an idiot

  4. Obama need someone with lot of foreign policy experience since McCain will hit him hard on that part. And Biden is good at that type of attack so this is exactly what Obama needs in general election; to go after McCain and hit him hard like he did to Obama in primary. This isn't junior high school. They'll find someone who can help the campaign.

  5. No one else wanted to team up with a loser. The Gore, Kerry, loser club is accepting applications for membership.

  6. The usual reasons for choosing a VP has to do with the ability to deliver key states, counter the presidents weaknesses, and be an attack dog on the opponents. No fit is perfect, but Obama believes this is the best fit one can hope for.

  7. he wants to be his mentor.

  8. I agree.  Nominating Biden opened up that whole can of worms that had been burried a long time ago.  

  9. I agree politics is full of liars, Biden said last year he would not accept the position of VP if it was offered

  10. Try to find a qualified democratic running mate who hasn't said something negative about Obama.  I'm not saying that Obama is a bad choice for President.  The problem is that there is such a negative culture of complaining and criticism in the Democratic party that they all have made comments that will eventually come back and bite them in the rear.  

    Obama was as negative as the others in the democratic race for the nomination.  Hillary Clinton was even more insulting to Obama, implicating that he had a part in the  Tony Rezko corruption case ( you will hear much more about this as the election draws closer).  Democrats always shoot themselves in the foot come election time.  Biden was just the smaller caliber bullet.

  11. That's an easy one. He knew that Biden was lying. How? Because he knew that all politicians are liars!

  12. I don't think Obama is making any decisions, the Democratic Party Leaders are making them in politically correct smoke-free rooms.  Obama is a puppet

  13. If I may dust off an old chestnut of a cliche, relevant though it is:

    "Politics makes for strange bedfellows."

  14. I asked myself the same question. I think that Obama chose Biden because he is experienced, and people like him. But, he does have some plagiarizing history, but he should make a very good vice president. It was wrong of Biden to say those things about Obama, but I guess Obama doesn't mind those comments even though they were pretty harsh - and harsh of McCain to put them in his ad. People will probably vote for Obama more now because he has an experienced VP to back him up.  

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