
Why did Obama diss Hilary?

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Does she fail to share his views? Did she fail to get a large enough number of votes? Or is it because she told the truth about him?




  1. From whar I heard, she didn't wnat the position of VP. She has had and will continue to have a major political career of which being vp is not necessarily the next best step for her.  

  2. hilary actually got more votes than obama, obama is just undemocratic and refused to count florida and michigan.

  3. obama believes in barefoot and pregnant.

    thats exactly what that was about.

    He is a sexist and it shows.

  4. Its cause Hillary wanted His job, she doesnt want to be a secretary like Sarah Plain and Tall

  5. Because she was more qualified than him.

  6. They don't like each other :(

  7. Because due to the Primaries, there is bad blood between them? didn't you know that

  8. He preferred Biden.

    She was too nasty during the campaign.

  9. Obama had an affair with Hillary, and he doesn't want it public.

  10. He hates her (and she hates him) and he hates Willie.

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