
Why did Obama finally agree to be interviewed by O'Reilly on the same night as McCain's speech/NFL opening?

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It seems to me that if Obama really wanted to reach a large Fox audience, he wouldn't want to go up against the Giants/Redskins game and McCain's acceptance speech. Is he afraid of something?




  1. i don't think obama is scared of anything.

    and if that's the case the same thing can be said for john mccain announcing palin as his running mate the day after obama's speech at the democratic convention.  

  2. Obama is over havent you heard and the inview on the O'Reilly he is so scared.  I dont want a president that scared of war.  WEAK

  3. It is going on my DVR, so I can keep laughing.

  4. Well, I don't think he's afraid of anything right now. McCain can't be that exciting to watch. C'mon, McCain is a terrible speaker and isn't able to draw large crowds cheering for him. More people will be watching the Giants and Redskins than that guy by a long shot.

    People will still want to watch Obama with Bill O'Reilly. Maybe he doesn't care about ratings anyway. Maybe he's going on that show to prepare to debate with right-wing idiots like Bill O'Reilly.  

  5. Oreilly comes on 3 or 4 times a night, and the Obama interview will most likely run all weekend.  And besides put it on the DVR.

  6. The speech was taped on sept. 4   Fox aired it last night so check your facts before you start talking   Thanks in advance

  7. Obama is so weak and washed up that he doesn't want anyone watching him in a dual with O'Reilly.  He's afraid no one will buy what he is selling.  I already don't.  Scaredy cat.

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