
Why did Obama pick a VP whose name is so close to Bin Laden?

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Obama / Biden

Scary isn't it?




  1. For the same reason that Romney + McCain = "I'm necromancy" -  does that mean an administration with those two would practice black magic.

    How about Pawlenty + McCain = "Cancel my twin pa"  -- does that mean they would support abortion.

    I think we should be afraid of all these guys!


  2. It is a strange coincidence.

    And no, not scary to me, but then I am not a phony conservative.

  3. Oh come one! Stop being so paranoid!

  4. Maybe so our country could stop being so petty. There is a poem that says a rose is still a rose no matter what it's name. I think people got really dumb when Bush Sr. was in office then there was some huge progress during the Clinton years & now it is time for the strong to help the ignorant & anyone who makes a comment like you is just being silly but there are many people who really do beleive some stupid things..

  5. No. It's not scary at all.  Its not even that close.

  6. Obama-Joe-Biden.

    Say it ten times fast.

  7. Wow! I never saw it that way... dont think it has anything to do with anything though...

    Obama picked Biden based on his extensive foreign policy history and overall experience...a good way to combat those that say he will not have the experience to be president..

    Obama/Biden...Osama Bin Laden.....very keen observation ;)

  8. No

    I think it's kind of cool

    Obama bin Biden 2008

  9. Hmm...I don't see the similarity. Nice attempt at a rant, though!:)

  10. wow

    so now IF McCain was the VP of obama in some twisted world, would you   conservatives be calling McCain a terrorist too?

  11. Me'un Slick have always been tight.

    Slick is all about style not names.

  12. He didn't but in your tiny head, brainwashed by the Republican masters, you have to try and create conflict.  

  13. He purposely did it, knowing that it would keep morons busy for hours coming up with this S**t.


  15. because he thinks its the guy for the job

  16. Because he's an adult man and therefor, he doesn't care about names.

    Grow up.

  17. That 's what republican brainwash is doing with people's brains. They are dissolving.

  18. because he's not a stupid idiot who thinks idiotic things like "does it sound too much like something else"?

  19. Not scary in the slightest.  Might as well get used to it.. You'll be scared for the next several months.

  20. I honestly don't think Sen. Biden's name had nothing to do with Sen. Obama's decision, I do think Sen. Biden's ability and knowledge had an influence.

  21. Dude, you need to get out more.  He picked the man he thought was the best choice for him.  

  22. Yes it is, I agree with your question!  

  23. No wonder the Republicans like to use fear. It works on people like you!

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