
Why did Obama say he'll accomplish what he'll accomplish within ten years?

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Wouldn't it make more sense if he said he was going to do his laundry list of things to do within EIGHT years? By saying he's giving the country ten years to get his job done, he could just easily do whatever he pleases in the eight years he has in office (if he's lucky to get elected again, that is) and leave the responsibility of carrying on his work for the next poor sap to take his place in the next two years. As if making a list of promises that long wasn't enough of a stretch, but why did he promise more time than he has?




  1. Wow. way to grasp at straws dude.

  2. Yawn! You get the "Non-Issue" award of the day.

    President Obama's time estimates are for reference as to how long such projects will take. The Republicans promise the same sorts of things, but in 20 to 50 years.

  3. Maybe that's one of the things he plans to change.

  4. Well I think he promised an awful lot last night, and I was actually thinking the same thing. But most of the things he promised- cutting back the dependency on foreign oils will take awhile, so maybe that's where he got 10... But I definitely see what you mean.

  5. Well, if he wins, he won't actually take office for another four and a half months. I also think that he's trying to show the initiatives are bigger than he is.

    Kennedy said we would get to the moon by the end of the decade, which was almost ten years away at the time and would have been after he left office if had been there for eight years.

    Ultimately, I think it's because ten is just an easier, rounder number than eight.

  6. lack of executive experience.

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