
Why did Obama touch Bill O'Reilly's knee in the interview so much?

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Was he trying to see if he was giving him tingly sensastions down his leg or are the Larry Sinclair allegations true?




  1. I guess if it worked for  Chris Matthews. why not try it on O'Reilly.LOL didn't work Bill likes his wife. sorry  Obama.  

  2. obama just creeps me out.

  3. why are you asking this question again??

  4. Obama's body language indicated that he was uncomfortable with the situation, and when he gestured towards Bill, this indicated he was trying to bring Bill over to his way of thinking. Doofus thought he could persuade Bill to change his mind.  

  5. I must have missed it....

  6. Osama I mean Obama was trying his version of Morse code

  7. He invades people's personal space too much. At the convention, he gave Biden's wife a long kiss on the lips! That's not acceptable around here.

  8. Touching someones knee is an effective way of silencing someone since it is sexually arousing.

  9. That's jungle fever, baby.

  10. It's a way of getting the other person's attention in an attempt to make them shut up so you can get a word in.

    Why he even agreed to speak with the lying liar is beyond me.

  11. Bet Chris Matthews nearly had a heart attack.

  12. Why did Bill like it so much?

  13. Barry did the same thing to me in the limo in Chicago...except is was my weener not my knee.

    Larry Sinclair

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