
Why did Palin exploit her Down's kid for political gain but says that her knocked-up teen is off limits? ?

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This classic Republicant hipocrisy.

The lady is running on family values, so she's opened up a can of worms that's giving the Repubes fits. Now they're all whining that we shouldn't criticize the family after THEY made it their major focus!




  1. Sweetie, I don't care if you're anti-Palin or her goddamn best friend, you don't drag her poor sweet downs child into your vicious attacks. Rot in heIl with the rest of the kool aid liberals.

  2. Actually, I've decided I feel sorry for you. I usually ask people on here if their soul is that dark...their conscience that seared. However, it's apparent from your recent questions that you are one particularly hard-core hater.

  3. fun!  I love the way they wrap themselves in the American Flag too while working overtime to overturn our constitution.

  4. I have never heard Palin mention that her youngest son had Downs, or for that mater exploited. It's something that media has brought up fortifying her stance against abortion, even when the child's has "imperfections".

    Bristol has made a choice and she has been taught that she must live with the consequences. In her case a baby.

    "Hipocrisy" is on both sides. No party is immune or innocent. These silly politics need to stop. It's all a smokescreen to make us lose our focus on the real issues.

  5. I thought the down's kid and the pregnant one were the same.

  6. I was literally about to ask this is disgusting how every spokesperson for her can tout her 'stance' on not aborting Trig....discussing his life and birth in great detail, yet suddenly go postal when Bristol is mentioned. This is the same for McCain, who said Briget was off limits, but has used her in mass mailings, in political ads, in debate forums, and at the campaign....while she was sitting right there. I can't imagine what goes through that child's head every single time she is told how she was a nothing and a nobody until the McCain's 'rescued' her and brought her to America. It is sad that children can be used, but you know that someone somewhere will see the 'sacrifice' that both McCain and Palin made....a political benefit at the child's expense.

  7. Very good point - little Bobo is just fine for political points - now try to sell your knocked up daughter to religious conservatives.

  8. Jack, you couldn't be more right.

    I'm not sure about you, but I am enjoying the Republican circus, LOL!!

  9. I totally agree; and doesn't it just make you want to gag?

    Be careful! The speller police are here!

  10. If it were up to Palin what the media would disclose, I guarantee you she would not have mentioned anything about her family.  It's is the media's desire to pry into every public figure's lives that brought this information out.  She didn't exploit anything about her family, the media did.

  11. She exploited Trig because he has down's syndrome? You guys just make this stuff up off the top of your heads don't you.  

  12. I thought it was the media that has exploited both the down kid and pregnancy-gate.  

  13. Easy.  She wants to look like "good mommy" with her DS baby but has to be secretly upset that her teenage daughter got knocked up at the worst possible time.  The press is having a field day and rightly so-she isn't exactly the poster girl of being a good parent when her 17 year old daughter is pregnant by an 18 year old boy.  

    Sarah should learn to be a better mom before running for vp.  

  14. She never exploited any of her kids you jack*ss.

    The only people exploiting her daughter's pregnancy are the left wing media and classless jerks like you.

  15. EXPLOIT? She didn't exploit anyone!  BTW, it's "hypocrisy" - try using a spell checker if you are going to make illogical statements.

  16. She didn't do anything you say. But then drug smoking liberal halfwits are never known for the truth.

  17. Jack, you are a pathetic piece of s*it...Your leader, Obama, told you to layoff the family.  Oh, I suppose you didnt hear him, with your head stuck up your *ss.. finish your koolaid

  18. Maybe you can give us a hint of exactly how she "exploited" her son?  I have never heard that.

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