
Why did Palin lie about the Bridge to Nowhere? She campained?

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FOR it while running for Governor




  1. She was smart, people wanted it, while she was campaigning, then she realized that they Alaska also had to put up 220 million to actually build, it, then she said "h**l no" we can not afford and 80% of the people agreed.  I would call that a good decision.

  2. 1. It wasn't a "bridge to nowhere". It was a bridge to the island that contains the second largest airport in Alaska.

    2. She initially supported it, but then the Feds cut how much they were going to spend, it would have cost Alaska more. This is when she opposed it.

  3. Why did Obama lie in bed with a racist, hate-mongering, Africa first church teaching black liberation theology for 20+ years?

    You answer my question, I'll answer yours. I won't hold my breath...

  4. She didn't. The media says she scrapped the bridge because it was getting bad press and had gotten the name 'bridge to nowhere'. They have no right to decide that she scrapped it for that reason. That's why the media is going to get into a lot of trouble for making bogus claims and inventing made-up scandals.

  5. Because congress tacked on all their little pet projects to the bill and she had to say enough of this beauraucratic bull.

  6. Get used to it. That's what liars do - they lie.

    Palin is not fit for public office.

  7. I agree. She lobbied for it.

    It was the Bridge to Somewhere.

    After she was elected, it became the Bridge to Nowhere.

    She is untrustworthy and a liar.

  8. She was for government earmarks before she was against them.

  9. That is what Republicans do, they lie and distort and then expect the media and the American public to ignore the facts. Bush got away with it for years, so I suppose they think it should be norm.  

  10. Ah yes, just one of the many things that will sink McCain/Palin.

  11. She was for it before she was against it.

    She had to back down from that one because it was one of the biggest jokes Bush signed  for.  

  12. She is not a lib so she did not lie, why does Biden and his mixed grandson Obama lie everytime they speak.

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