
Why did Palin say that Obama hasn't written any legislation while in Congress?

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Obama has actually written quite a bit of legislation so I'm not sure why people keep saying that he hasn't. So is this laziness on the part of Republicans who wrote the speech? Or are they consciously trying to mislead the people of America about Obama?

Here's a few items.

He co-authored a bill for ethics reform that was called the most sweeping ethics reform law ever to pass in Washington:

Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) and Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced that a provision authored by Obama and Senator Hagel (R-NE) in the Senate and advanced by Schiff in the House requiring a comprehensive nuclear threat reduction plan passed as part of the omnibus appropriations bill. This provision requires the President to submit to Congress a comprehensive plan for ensuring that all nuclear weapons and weapons-usable material at vulnerable sites around the world are secure by 2012 from the threats that terrorists have shown they can pose. The Senate passed the omnibus appropriations bill last night and the House approved the same bill today. (12/20/07)

In 2006, Congress passed a Veterans Affairs Committee bill which included several provisions originating in Obama's SAVE Act (S. 1180) and Homes for Heroes Act (S. 3475). "The legislation...includes a number of proposals from legislation Senator Obama had previously introduced (S.1180, the SAVE Act and S.3475 the Homes for Heroes Act) to expand and improve services for homeless veterans. The bill permanently authorizes and increases funding to $130 million per year for a competitive grant program to provide homeless services to veterans. It greatly increases a successful program to provide rental vouchers to homeless veterans. The legislation extends programs to providing treatment for veterans with mental illnesses and other special needs. And it permanently extends VA's ability to transfer property it owns to homeless shelters.

Legislation authored by U.S. Senators Barack Obama (D-IL) and Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) that will stop the abuse of no-bid contracting in the aftermath of a disaster was included in the final Department of Homeland Security funding bill likely to pass the Senate today. After Senate passage, the bill will go to the President's desk to be signed into law...After Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency used emergency authority to enter into open-ended, no-bid contracts. What was meant to be temporary stop-gap authority ballooned into wasteful contracts that lasted many months and wasted significant federal resources. Obama and Coburn legislation will stop this practice by restricting the use of emergency contracting authority only to urgent needs in the immediate response to emergencies...On three separate occasions, Obama and Coburn have passed legislation in the Senate that would end no-bid contracting with Gulf Coast reconstruction funds. Legislation that would have specifically prohibited no-bid contracts with Gulf Coast reconstruction was stripped from a previously passed funding bill.




  1. probably for the same reasons that they claim she has more "experience" ..including mayor of a town with a population total in 2000 of 5439.. and that includes 33 percent under the age of 18, who don't vote.  And as I find tonite.. the mayor's job is PART TIME.

    Maybe the same reasons why their people came out and yelled "shut up with the questions about how long Palin was vetted.. we are not going to answer that one anymore".

    McCain KNEW all this, and STILL asked her to be VP??  Does that tell you anything about his wisdom?  

  2. they seem to make that argument because they don't think anyone will check it, thankfully there are what McCain would call young whipper snappers like you to check the facts.  You are absolutely right, their arguments prey on the ignorant and stupid

  3. What'd you expect? Palin enjoys a little white lie every now and then.

    Every Republican does it. You can't expect them to ever tell the *truth*--now can you?

  4. Because it's true! Obama is just a man that got lifted on to the big stage by his fellow racists friend Oprah (who laughs about the white man working for her now, wow what a joke!). It has nothing to do with his experience cause he has none, it's just because he's black and that's it. He is for himself and has his own agenda I feel. He wants to put us all on welfare with his health care plan. Wants to raise taxes, stay dependent on foreign countries who hate us for oil. Can't give a straight answer about what he would do about Iran, even though Iran would love to wipe us and Israel off the globe! Really Scary!!! If he has all the qualifications to be president then man I'm gonna have my 79 year old community organizing granny try out in 2012'.  

  5. Who knows why Palin says any of the things she says.

    Her whole speech was filled with lies. People who want to believe her will. Others will do research and find out for themselves.

    Maybe she is going though the change.

  6. boo-hoo  I smell great fear.

  7. Because he hasn't. Like Biden said about the lobbyists that suck up to both of them; "My staff does that."

  8. i think her point was that he answered "present" many times during voting on certain bills.

  9. Easy - cause she lied to make them look better.  

  10. Looks like the Straight Talk Express just went Straight To He**

    According to Stephen Colbert..."Facts are known to have a liberal bias.."

  11. She's a liar.  She says anything that will earn her brownie points, and then she'll hope her speech writers will help bail her out.

  12. As a widow of a disabled veteran I want to thank you for posting this . I have heard many lies told in the past few days at the RNC -lies I personally know to be so.

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