
Why did Palin vote against s*x education in schools??

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She was an advocate for teaching "Abstinence Only." Hmm...

Her daughter having unprotected s*x and getting pregnant is proof that her ideas are far fetched. With a mother like Palin, she dare not ask to be put on birth control.

Abstinence only is a joke in today's society. Perhaps Palin knows this now...




  1. Palin is a joke. McCain had so many strong women to pick as VP...he did this to himself. Can that women be president if something happens to McCain? She has a special needs baby and a teen daughter pregnant?  

  2. because teenagers like her daughter would never have s*x before marriage... wait... what was that??? really??? scratch that... distribute condoms


    Abstinence only are the ugly people who say, "If I'm not getting any, NO ONE IS!"


  3. Because who wants the goverment teaching there kids about s*x. In New England there giving out free condems in the classroom. s*x education should be the responsiblty of parrents not the Goverment!

  4. Abstinence Only s*x ed. does work. Condom's and birth control in schools doesn't work. Why don't you check out the stats on it. Can you do that?

    Why is it people-Democrats are so HATEFUL. For supposedly the party for the people they are so mean.

  5. She wanted her daughter to get knocked up is why. How can you run on "family values" if your not a grandmother.

    Hey None; no one argues about what you can do or can't do. But when you run and are promoted on your conservative values, thats what people will question. Pregnancy before marriage is a sin according to you bible toters.

    Funny how so many people are jumping on her defense, but if Obama's oldest was knocked up OMG there'd be an uproar.

  6. Maybe she's all for babies having babies. Maybe she thinks we should all just get our tubes tied and have it reversed when we decide to concieve.....all with our expensive privatized healthcare.

    I agree, abstinence is a joke, and teens don't always have the best judgement. They need to be educated on the seriousness of becoming sexually active.

    I don't think Palin is very abstinent either, with her 5 kids.

  7. yes abstinence work, IF KIDS DONT HAVE s*x!  People like palin are stuppid if they think this method works

  8. Because she doesn't think that 17 year-olds getting pregnant is that big of a deal. Hey who needs college anyway, right?

  9. I believe in teaching my own children about s*x...not letting government schools spend time teaching their own "version" instead of basic education that they lack.

    You have no idea what she and her husband taught their children and if you have any idea what teenagers are like, you would understand that sometimes they do not do what they are taught. Her daughter chose to have the child and her family is supporting her.

    What is your problem?

  10. Still, Abstinence is the only method with a 100% guarantee.


  11. Because it would have been a waste of public money. Everyone in her family already knew how babies were made.

  12. The Republican platform has had its head in the sand for way too long when it comes to s*x education. We need to educate our youth about birth control.

    Let's face it, where you have males and females, you're going to have s*x! It's one thing the human species does really well.

    So, why not quit condemning the girl for being "naughty," and start concentrating your efforts on helping our children prepare for the responsibilities that come with s*x?

    Unfortunately Mr. and Ms. Palin either did not prepare their daughter or she ignored them. Now they will have a new life to care for who will grow up without a daddy.

    Let's talk to and educate our precious youth - - - both democrat and republican youth!

  13. Abstinence IS the only safe alternative.

    Birth control doesn't protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

    Birth control doesn't ALWAYS prevent pregnancy.

    Birth control comes in a distant second to abstinence. Period. End of story.


    Thumbs down??

    Please tell me what birth control device prevents catching a sexually transmitted disease 100% of the time.

    Please tell me what birth control device prevents pregnancy 100% of the time.

    No answer??? I THOUGHT NOT!!!

    Please tell me if you had your CHOICE...would you prefer YOUR CHILD practice abstinence or "safe s*x" with birth control devices???

    A thumbs down doesn't change the facts. Go ahead and hide behind your "thumbs down" aren't fooling anybody.

  14. You say that Palin’s daughter getting pregnant is “proof that her ideas are far fetched.”  If that’s true, how do you explain why 70 percent of all births in our African-American communities are to unwed mothers -- and many or even most of those mothers have received s*x “education” in school.  You remember the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”  Providing information is only part of the challenge facing parents and teachers in the arena of s*x.  Accepting it and using it is the other part, and that is up to the child/student.

    You are looking at only one side of a three-sided coin.  Kids may get some of their information about s*x from their parents and they may get some of it from their teachers at school, but they will get most of it from their peers.  And they are much more likely to emulate the behavior, real or claimed, of their peers than follow the “advice” of their parents and teachers.  After all, being a virgin is not something a girl wants to brag about if she is the last one left standing in her group.  For the guys, hormones will beat “values” almost any day of the week. Virginity, his or hers, is about as desirable as leprosy, but it is much easier to treat and even easier to cure.

    One of the problems with s*x education as taught in schools is that it is largely anatomical:  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThis is an x*x and that’s a YYY.”  Besides, by the time they enter the 5th grade, most kids know more about s*x than their parents and teachers do.  They just haven’t tried it yet (in most cases).  They often find their teachers’ stilted explanations little more than amusing.

    Many schools teach s*x education to children, but the fact is that when you match up teachers who don’t want to teach with students who don’t want to learn, you end up with high school students who read at a 4th grade level and think algebra is some kind of a disease.  Do we really want those kinds of teachers to provide young children with information about s*x?  Teachers can teach mechanics, but they can’t teach values.  They can teach the “How to” part, but they’re at a loss when it comes to the “Why not to” part.  When it comes to s*x, teachers often come across as preachers and most kids are more interested in “playing” than in praying.  And if they do pray, the girls are likely to exchange “Amen” for “Ahhhhhhhhh…MEN!”  :)  

  15. I agree that "abstinence only" concept is not  always effective, but if a teen is old enough to drive and is having s*x, then he/she is old enough to go to the drug store and buy protection.  All teenagers know that it is out there.  But, pregnancy still happens.

  16. Because she is an idiot and completely out of touch with normal people.

  17. Because she prefers kids learn about it the same way animals do, just by going ahead and doin' it.

  18. I don't think anybody is saying Palin didn't do her job.

    Prisons are full of people that committed crimes...are you insinuating that their parents didn't teach them that crime is wrong because their children broke the law?

    Just because you teach your kids right from decisions from bad decisions...doesn't mean they always listen.

    Are you honestly claiming YOUR children always listen to you and take YOUR advice 100% of the time?

    If they do, you must be the best parent of all time!!!!!!

    EDIT 2:

    David. It was her daughter who sinned, not Sarah. EVERYONE sins. Oh wait a minute. I guess you and you family doesn't, right??

    Do you honestly believe Obama and his family doesn't sin??

    The majority of young adults have s*x outside of marriage, but I suppose you are claiming yours and Obama's doesn't....yeah....right....

  19. hahaha i bet she wishes she didnt now!  

  20. Some people never learn.

  21. I agree fully. I don't want her teaching these far-fetched ideas of a 1950s yesteryear to my children in school. We live in the 21st century where our kids are exposed to so much more without our full control.  I don't think McCain made a good choice. But then again this isn't the first bad choice the republicans have made recently.  

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