
Why did Rachel apoligize to Kat when she read her nominations?

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Seemed kinda weird.




  1. I've just put in a question about this myself! (sorry, didn't see this one)

    My thought is that Kat wanted Rachel to vote Sara, to see her off.

    Kat is probably really worried that Sara will get a sympathy vote.

    She can't bear that idea....Kat must be the only girl whose harr is bwoken evwy five minurs by unkin' peepaw.

  2. Yeh I found it strange too, and she said "don't look at me like that kat". Maybe its who she nominated?

  3. i really dont know was wondering myself

  4. She apologised because she nommed rex and kat likes rex a lot x

  5. because she had nominated  Rex  ,   but it was  something they  had  to do  ,   no  reason to apologise for  it ,  very  strange

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