
Why did Republicans vote against tax breaks and alternative energy?

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Senators failed to reach 60 votes needed to end GOP blockage of a bill providing $55.5 billion over 10 years in business, education, personal, and energy tax breaks. A yes vote was to advance a bill (HR 6049), which includes allocating $18 billion to developing alternative fuels.




  1. Well if all democrats agreed with the bill there is nothing the republicans can do about it.

    So your question should be, why did some of the democrats block it.

    We should stop punishing oil companies to look for alternative sources of energy, if they don't want to why should we force them too.

    It is a free market, and if people really wanted to they could invest in this idea.

    I did answer it. I just didn't give you what you wanted.

    Your question doesn't deserve an answer, you're just trying to spread your stupid propaganda.

    If democrats are in control of the house and senate, how can the possible block any bill the democrats want, unless they side with the republicans and veto it.

    That's call a filibuster, I'm sure you heard about it.

  2. Republicans did not vote against HR 6049

    It has never came up for a vote in the US Senate yet.

    Republicans voted against a "Cloture" of HR 6049

    IE: they voted to not stop debate on the bill.


    And the bill has 24 billion dollars in tax INCREASES in it, to pay for it all.

  3. Simple, they put the interests of the oil companies and the car manufacturers above that of the general public. They have nothing to gain by passing the bill but have everything to gain by pampering to a few individual corporations.

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