
Why did Repubs. (namely their VP nominee) mock community Organizers?

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Did she not know that Jesus was a community Organizer while Pontius Pilot was a governor? Besides while Palin was running for doing beauty pageants Obama ran a faith-based charity called the Developing Communities Project.

It was made up of eight Catholic parishes when he got there and had one staff member. He was its director, meaning he was in charge. He made decisions about it, including staffing, budgets, etc. And when he left in 1988 to go to law school, he had grown its budget from $70,000 to $400,000, its staff from 1 to 13 people. More important, he created a job training program for this community and a college prep tutoring program.




  1. I wouldn't call it mocking.  The issue is this:  Just because you organized a few things within your community does NOT mean you have the experience to run the country.  

  2. Absolutely- the republicans just show how out of touch they are with REAL americans- americans that serve their community by organizing feeding the homeless, habitat of humanity, building houses for charities, and raising money for various funds that help the communities me and you live in, and rebuilding helping support hurricane katrina when the gov did nothing

    by them belittling and insulting community organizers by laughing at them, then thats an insult to america. I guess in there america everyone lives in 7 homes

    Palin wants to bring GOD to the white house and believes she speaks to god directly- last time i checked the us constitution it clearly states separation of church and state but if palin and mccain cyborg get elected they will delete that statement

    Celtic: Having "executive" experience doesnt NOT mean you have experience for president- bush had exec experience and look at what a mess he left- fiasco in iraq and a 50 trillion dollar deficit- China owns more property in the US then americans

  3. Yeah.  The charity went from the catholics to Rev Wright.  Have you seen his new house?

  4. You misunderstand.

    We only mock candidates for President who say their experience as community organizers is proof they're ready to lead this nation.

    By the way, Obama's friend Reverend Wright was an excellent community orgainzer and he even served in the military---how come Obama no longer talks to him?

    And why do Democratic Senators mock mayors?

  5. Jesus eas not a community organizer, he was a Rabi.

    Lenin was a community organizer..He helped get Russia out od WW 1

    , the only useful thing ever done by a Community Organizer.

  6. They look down on people trying to lift communities up, shame on them. Once again is revealed who the real elitists are and how Republicans rely on misdirection and lies to sell their agenda of social darwinism and aggression. Most of those people chanting aren't upper class so they're chanting for policies that will hurt their family and friends and that put a gigantic burden of debt on their children and grandchildren.

    Palins speech has got to be the the biggest fraud in history since another Republican governor stood before the American people and assured them he was a uniter, not a divider, that he was gonna change to tone of Washington into one of civility and respect and most of all that a generation shaped by Vietnam must remember the lessons of Vietnam: When America uses force in the world, the cause must be just, the goal must be clear and the victory must be overwhelming

    We all know how that turned out. Conservatives talk allot about empty rhetoric not being enough yet that's all they have offered the good American people for over a decade to sell their agenda of personal enrichment, inept government and reckless foreign policy. Policies that bankrupted the US and sacrificed more than 4000 young Americans for lies, oil and the profits of Haliburton and other war profiteers

    The reality is that Palin’s speech was a piece of ultra-right demagogy delivered to an audience assembled by what is unquestionably the most reactionary party on the face of the planet, committed to the unrelenting defense of wealth and privilege against the interests of the vast majority of the American people and all of humanity.

    Assembled in the hall were the foulest elements of American society. The lily-white crowd—the number of black delegates had fallen from 150 in 2004 to 36 in 2008, barely 1.5 percent of the total—included a collection of religious fanatics, racists, anti-Semites and militant defenders of torture, militarism and inequality.

    Only such a party could even conceive of someone like Sarah Palin as a candidate for vice president.

    Palin cast herself as the small-town “hockey mom” determined to go clean up Washington, and as an innocent victim of media disparagement. One would never guess that she was a politician with intimate ties to movements best described as theocratic fascist, who has campaigned for the outlawing of abortion and the teaching of creationism and, as mayor of a small town, sought the banning of books.

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