
Why did Rev. Jeremiah Wright retire to a 4100 sq. ft home in an all white neighborhood?

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Is this the definition of irony? Would you want to be his neighbor?




  1. Well, you know, he needs a hobby in his retirement. Now he can run around the neighborhood telling all of his neighbors that they're satan, etc.  Some folks join a bowling league, some scream at the white devils.

    Would I want him for a neighbor? NO! I don't have to worry, though. He wouldn't live in a slum like this. :-)

  2. It was planned long before any Obama publicity... the church built it and paid for it for his retirement!  

  3. because he could. with his $$ ( or i should say the church's $$ ) he can  live wherever he wants. it's more hypocrisy than irony don't you think? it's called feed the monkey and watch him sh*t. he's got his $$, he could care less.

  4. Don't know why. Don't care. If he can afford the house and that's what he wants to do, then I say more power to him.

  5. He earned his money by fooling a lot of Black people. That Baker guy earned his money by fooling a lot of White people. There is good money to be earned by fooling suckers.

    Do you think he would want a nice home in an inner city? Nobody would do that. He would probably be a good neighbor. You don't think he actually believes all that ranting he did do you?

  6. His stance of hating the white race was perhaps a resentment of his being black.

  7. I think because he CAN.

    Thanks to a little thing called the1964 civil rights bill that made discrimination illegal.

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