
Why did Ricky Ricardo and Lucy live in such a small apartment?

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You would think they could afford something a little bigger!




  1. Ricky had that big cocaine habit, they couldn't afford it.Poor Lucy.

  2. Because they represented the typical struggling household?

  3. i don't know much about new york..but what is the rent around e. 68 th st. in NYC? Lucy and Ricky were paying 175 in 1952.

  4. they were the touchy fealy kind of people.

  5. Ricky Ricardo wasn't a big time music star. He was just a little Cuban band leader in the club Copacabana. He didn't have the money like JLo and nobody ever asked him for an autograph because nobody knew who he was. That is why Lucy kept trying to get into show business so they could be famous

  6. Because they were loyal to their best friends, Fred and Ethel!

  7. They eventually got a house with little Ricky, but I happen to agree. They sure could have now couldn't they have. LOL

  8. Well they only had one camera to film with and they couldn't follow them around in a crib the size of J lo's because the extension cord wasn't long enough.

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