
Why did Rolf Harris tie his kangaroo down? What's that about?

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Why did Rolf Harris tie his kangaroo down? What's that about?




  1. Rolf and his RIGHT sheila joey were on the kinky side of the tracks....

  2. Because it was interferring with his Didgeredo

  3. I didn't agree with tying his Kangaroo down, the RSPCA should have been called.

  4. Because the police told him that he shouldnt be doing "that sort of thing" around children.

  5. words from one of his songs, yes he has done a bit of singing in the past, CLASSIC

  6. It is about an Australian stockman on his deathbed; the Stockman instructs his friend to take care of his affairs. The first of these is to watch his wallabies feed, then to tie his kangaroo down, since they jump around. "Sport" is an Australian term of address, alluding to "good sport", which often, as in this case, proactively praises someone for carrying out a small favour you are asking of them. His last wish is to "Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred".

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