
Why did Russia go into Georgia?

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I don't know anything about all this hoo haa stuff but peoples like "oh russia didn't do it, it was georgian troops" bla bla....but whoever started it...WHAT IS IT OVER? what's the conflict? I think we're all in for world war...and this is coming from a very UN political person...but that's what government needs, is to step back, sit back and take a commen sense look at what is going on....and not just that...but everything. ****...what's wrong with everybody...PEACE.PEACE People...Share, love, respect, Government needs to listen to what parents teach children..****...but back to the question...what in the h**l did russia do?




  1. Your question should rather be "what in the h**l did Georgia do"...

    Anyway, let's take it from the begining:

    The reasons of this conflict are to be rendered to the U.S.A. and their leadership which attempt in every possible way to struggle Russia by expanding and establishing their NATO alliances and their friendly and faithful puppet leaders (like Saakasvili) in the vicinity of Russia, causing (for the moment) trouble to it, like the South Ossetia issue, and simultaneously accepting on their soil the establishment of U.S.A. missiles targeting Russia (As Poland already did, and Ukraine is about to do).

    Georgia, especially under the present regime and government is an instrument for this purpose.

    Georgia had the perfect backing by Bush and Co when it first bombed Ossetia, using U.S.A. ammunition and having already invented some "reasons", and at the same time had all the western media on its side, distorting the truth and painting a devil's image for Russia and a martyr's one for Georgia.

    Therefore Georgia massacred South Ossetians (who are Russian citizens), provoking thus Russia to intervene and protect them, and this way Georgia gave the U.S.A. a good excuse to put their foot on there.

    On the other side, the U.S.A. invade other countries for less serious reasons, and they stay there, like in Iraq, while Russia already withdrew its troops from Georgia.

    And let's not forget the U.S.A. imperialistic past: The war of Vietnam, the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the creation and support of cruel dictatorships in South - Latin America, the division of Cyprus, and so on, not to mention the most horrible concentration camp in history, Guantanamo.

    And it sounds so ironical listening to Bush preaching about "Democracy", "Freedom", "Peace" and "Justice"....  

  2. It was started 5 years ago when USA done revolution in Georgia,new president started provocate Russia and South Osetia with Abkhazia,but Russia was angry very angry that little fascist georgian republic trying join to NATO and kick out Russia from Caucasus by ethnic cleanings of osetians and abkhazians,when Georgia started operation "Clean field" in South Osetia,they planned clean whole region from osetians and damage Rockskiy tunnel from where Russia could send troops,but South Osetia was not occupated by night and Russia hurry up sent troops to hlp and kick out georgian millitery from region,Georgia planned it few years ago,Russia too had plan on such conflict,Russia vs Georgia and WEST failed this war,won just Abkhazia and South Osetia,but in millitery position and geo-politic Russia won on 100%...

  3. Georgian troops were massacring thousands of civilians in South Ossetia, and Russia interfered to protect them.

    There is no need to cultivate a climate for world war, that is US nonsense.Did a world war happen when US invaded Iraq? When they bombed Serbia to "protect" Kosovars? Why is this any different? Because only the US have the right to interfere to other people's business? Which in this case is not other people's, as Ossetians are Russian.

  4. Russia is defending itself and S. Ossetia against Georgian/U.S.A. aggressiveness.  

  5. Georgia wants to take over Ossetia. Just as Stalin took over Russia back in the day. His real last name was Dzhugashvili. Stalin was Georgian.  

  6. To reassert there position as a wold superpower

  7. AND Verily verily i speaketh..unto thee..thien own peoples are akined to the other who asks for a pound of flesh..and ye shall have a pound of flesh .but not a gram more or less .for they own force of rhythem be taken.still be stillt hien heart of malice work does do of thien gone thien evil it is done no more shal ye be a hinderance to thien world..for 3 months shall ye wear the coat of ursus and 3 months shall ye have hoofs of thien yoke.and shall ye dwell in ye own filth for thien niegbours wifes and kin did murder.gods rath is upon thy ruski.

  8. In order to save South Osetia and Abkhazia. These states declared independence from Georgia and would like to remain allies of Russia.

    Besides, South Osetians were massacred by the Georgian army.

    So hopefully, please God, Georgia will realize it should better think more about improving its economy and the welfare of its citizens, instead of wasting money for grandiose military purposes.

  9. ok well america kinda hates russia for being with iran so it kinda helped to create all this mess. Apparently ppl say russia envaded gorgia when this is all false. U.S citizens which have family in gorgia say that it was the goriginas presidents fault and all russia was trying to do was help the civilians escap the bombing here watch this.

    believe me its georgia not russia russia just helped them. The girl in the video is 12 years old georgian / born in the u.s went for a visit and got attacked by her own government while russians helped them escape the bombings

  10. Back in 1990th Russia found, that with the dissipation of the Soviet Union it lost most of it's influence on the neibour countries (i.e. former soviet republics). It it's attempts to put those countries back under Russian control they found it d**n effective to create territorial problems withing those countries.

    Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaidjan helped Russia to get much influence over Armenia.

    Conflict between Moldova and Transnistria (Russia-created and supported unrecognized "state" on Moldavian territory) prevented Moldova and Romania from forming alliance.

    Conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia+South_Ossetia (Russia-created and supported unrecognized "states" on Georgian territory) allowed Russia to put there "peacekeeping" forces and thus to prevent Georgia from joining NATO.

    There was an attempt to play the similar scenario in Ukraine with Crimea, but Ukrainian government reacted swiftly: forces of national guard were moved to Crimea and Russia found that any Russia-sponsored rebel attempt will be terminated in a moment.


    Back to Georgia.

    With support of unligitimate Abkazia and South_Ossetia "states" Russia effectively put itself into a trap. If Russia stop its support, Georgia will immediately take over both regimes and Russia will loose its power on Caucasus greatly. Supporting these regimes, on the other side, requires more and more money and effort. Even more, now Russia was put into real war because of them.

    In chess terminology it is called zugzwang: whatever you do, you loose. Russia is in zugzwang now.

  11. okay in short form georgia went to take over one of the other small countries beside them and russia told them to stop and they didn't so russia was like hey we are going to kick your butt and that is what they are doing. That is how i have perceived things.

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