
Why did Sarah Palin protect herself at her duaghter's expense?

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She announced Bristol's pregnancy as a rebuttal to some blogosphere chat that Trig may have been Bristol's...

1) why does Palin and the RNC take web chat as serious and then blame it on "media"?

2) Is it shameful to protect yourself and reputation at the expense of your minor child?




  1. Why did Sarah Palin protect herself at her daughter's expense?  If she she didn't come clean early on in the game, she would have been blasted in a month or two by the liberals when Bristol got bigger for not telling the public about it.  It's a thing called 'honesty'.

    Why does Palin and the RNC take web chat as serious and then blame it on the "media"?  I don't know, why don't you ask the same thing about the democrats.

    Is it shameful to protect yourself and reputation at the expense of your minor child?  Once again, if she didn't mention it, it would have been a huge fiasco down the line... admit it.  Plus, the liberals probably would have uncovered it already if she didn't bring it to the nations attention.  What Palin is doing is setting the record straight - I wish the other party would do the same instead of playing the nasty game they're playing.

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