
Why did Sarah Palin say thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere, but kept the money?

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Why did Sarah Palin say thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere, but kept the money?




  1. She first supported and asked Please and thanks for the money

    then said no when people around the nation were appalled

    kept the money

    now has a nice little lie to tell everybody

  2. Honestly? That is the best way to say "Thanks, but no thanks," isn't it?

    As long as "ethics" and "truth" don't get in the way, you can keep lots of money.

    "Obama in 2008"

  3. Shhh!, we aren't supposed to know that, but, for the money :)

  4. She originally campaigned for the bridge to nowhere during her gubernatorial race.  She changed her mind about her public policy towards the bridge when it became unpopular after drawing so much attention. She didn't change her mind about the money.

  5. The conservative will have an answer to you. But, I think she is a liar.

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