
Why did Sarah Palin want to censor books? And how does that differ form n**i book-burnings?

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I am deeply disappointed that most weren't aware of this. Nice liberal media, huh?

If we don't wake up, we're gonna end up with a Christian theocracy.




  1. She was concerned about the foul language.

    It differs because she INQUIRED about removing the books she didn't burn any.

  2. Liberals and conservatives both complain about books in the library.  Liberals, for instance, want religious books out of the school libraries.  The books Palin wanted out are probably still there.  Liberals just check out or steal the books and never return them.

  3. It doesn't differ much.  Sometimes power goes to the head.  

  4. I never heard about that. Could someone e-mail me the details?

  5. did she really?  i mean, really?  when?  that's interesting, i'm curious about it.

    it's not that different.  I mean, what's the difference between a book burning and some censorship.  lipstick?  oh no it's fire.  never mind.  


  6. If McCain and Pailn win Im moving out of the country.  

  7. McCain't sure did pick a winner if you're into mind control.

  8. what books did she want to censor? What PROOF do you have that she really wanted to censor a specific book....NONE.

    Keep it going ... You have NOTHING on Palina nd that must suck for you.

  9. It takes some balls to compare the n**i campaign to eliminate with fire all dissenting philosophies

    to the PTA deciding some books are too 'adult content' for the school library.

    Jeez.  Is the next question "What color broom does she fly?"

  10. Ever Hear of the 'Fairness Doctrine"....same principal.

  11. It doesn't differ at all.  

  12. Because she is an extreme conservative who feels only her views are right

  13. Oh god I'm really beginning to really not like that woman.

  14. Some (not all) of those leaning to the far right prefer to shut out the things that displease or make them uncomforatable. Ignore it and it'll go away. Teen pregnancy? Ignore it and it'll go away. The homeless? Ignore it and it'll go away. Books that speak truth? Censor them and the truth will go away. For them, the only truth is theirs.

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