
Why did Senator McCain get flummoxed and avoid answering a question about 9/11 during his town hall meeting?

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He looked extremely uncomfortable and completely avoided answering the question when asked about the Project For A New American Century's comments about " a new Pearl Harbor" being a helpful event to further a military agenda in the middle east and in Latin America.




  1. Give the guy a break, he's really old.

  2. come on now = did you really expect him to remember something that happened soooooo long ago (maybe 9/11 was just in our minds as well as the current economy) = this is his normal way of handling questions - he is great at avoiding the questions that will prove him to be even more of a fool and a  Bush clone then usually!!

  3. He is in on the game!

    His hands are as dirty as anyone's

    The WHOLE Congress and Senate and Bush's cabinet (etc..)

    Its like having to deal with the MAFIA!

  4. because talk of false-flags is taboo right now!

    ok, here's a beauty.....

    watch at the end of the vid

  5. I watched the clip.  Yes, he was very uncomfortable with the PNAC questions but after that he shows himself to be convincing liar.

    His words ...

    "I am proud of what the 9-11 Commission did "

    are disgraceful.  He knows full well that the 9-11 Commission was highly flawed, with one goal in mind - cover up a crime.

    He has no right to call himself a patriot.

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