
Why did Tom Cruise cross the street?

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  1. Hopefully to get hit by a bus.

  2. are you serious???


    Darn, Old contacts and anyone..please Re-add me


  4. To tell Oprah on the other side, "i'm in love!!!"

  5. Do get to his rhythmic gymnastics lesson.

  6. To look at himself in the mirror..idk..

  7. to get katie knocked up again

  8. To push the cars (with his mind) that try to hit him with their car...

    But he dies...

    Because he is a r****d...

  9. for me to run him over..then reverse and run him over again..

  10. To brainwash some more people into becoming Scientology members

  11. to get to the other side!  

  12. who cares.....

  13. To get to his scientology meeting.

  14. to run away from his g*y thoughts

  15. he had to find another closet to hide in  

  16. because he wanted to walk katie [HOLMES]

    [ get it :) walk katie home lol ]

  17. To get a mexican divorce. He fell in Love with his newest co star AGAIN.

  18. to prevent katie holmes from running away  

  19. Cause he thought he saw God but no, it was ll hubbard bubbard blady blady blah...

  20. He saw a younger actress to marry?

  21. the microscopic aliens inside of him were winning the war for his body and soul so he had to get to the little disinfecter thingy on the other side

    the reason he got hit by a truck while crossing was because he found a love couch just perfect for insane jumping

    and the truck driver was a homophobe who didnt wanna take any chances  

  22. To get a new baby because a lot of celebraties are doing it and he wants to fit in

  23. Because he can't take psychotropic medicine to cure his sleep walking problem

  24. To get to the mothership waiting for him on the other side.

  25. Because L. Ron Hubbard ordered him to.

  26. So he could go up in the tree beside the road and see over the crowd. Tom's a wee little man!

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