
Why did U.S soldiers did this...?

by Guest66925  |  earlier

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what explanation do they have?

""There aren't any Taliban or al-Qa'ida even several kilometres near to where the air strike took place.""

why did they kill innocent children and women?




  1. Bad local intelligence or maybe some local knew there would be media in the area and wanted coverage for the cause.........

    It happens when you have to rely on locals to tell you where the Taliban are........sometimes the locals want to get rid of opposing tribes or need land  or just are angry over something that happened in the past & the US troops make an easy scapegoat for the world - people automaticly condemn the troops

    No questions ask just blame the US  and point fingers.

  2. War is h**l.

  3. Accidents do happen...its called friendly fire and it happens.

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