
Why did Yahoo give the Chinese authorities information which led to the arrest of innocent journalist s**+ Tao?

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Why did Yahoo give the Chinese authorities information which led to the arrest of innocent journalist s**+ Tao?




  1. It's CHINA!!!!!

    They make the rules in "their house".

    You do in yours, don't you?

    In order for Yahoo to offer ANYTHING in China, they had to agree.

    Should they not offer internet access, or offer limited access?

    Chinese dissidents knew the rules and broke them.

    You are not God, even though you believe it.  If you break the rules of another country, you can be locked up, or tried and executed.

    Tell your friends to stop whining about Iraq and to start helping in the war effort.  We need to fight this c**p in every country.  Eventually, China will be free, as well, if we keep pushing it.

  2. This is one of the things that really burns my bum about US companies operating in other countries--they use the lax human rights in other countries to let the rules slide.  

    As a matter of fact, it's a US company.  So US rules should apply around the world.  But this is why the US loves outsourcing so much--you can have outposts of your company in other countries and play by THEIR rules, which usually entail lower wages, no right to unionize, terrible hours and working conditions, yada-yada-yada.

    Ever notice that the US practically never outsources to, say, rich European countries that treat their workers BETTER than we do in the US?  That's because IT WOULDN'T SAVE MONEY.

    So instead of demanding equal rights for worldwide users, Yahoo caved into Chinese demands for information.  Same Yahoo, same rules?

    Don't think so.

    Our greatest export is FREEDOM.  So why are we keeping it all to ourselves?

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