
Why did Yahoo make every single article in their politics news link to Palin?

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I thought it was pretty bad that they always chose the ugliest pictures of Hillary to post and nothing but skepticism about Obama...

But now they are totally cheer-leading for Palin...

Is Fox... er... I mean, Yahoo showing their colors again?




  1. You are right.  We need to see more pics of the messiah in his greek temple, speaking volumes and saying nothing.

  2. About the only thing they haven't said about her today to pump her up, is she can also rip a phone book in half with her bare hands. No one cared or even knew a dam thing about her twenty four hours ago. Now they are carrying on like they have known her all their lives. It's Ironic McCain has only met her just once before announcing her as VP.

    I wonder if she spins around if she'll turn into Wonder woman, with that disguised look, glasses and the bunned hair.

  3. Hillary is ugly in every pic.  Yahoo covered the DNC like none other.  Sorry they mentioned Palin and now they are "in support"  They are actually be happy my ID got suspended 3 times because I asked about B Hussein Obama......

  4. Because BBC and others say Palin has over an 80% approval rating.

    It's funny when an attitude is used to replace real facts and intelligence by YA posters.

    She's like the angel sent a few months after the messiah was sent.

  5. I have an answer to your question -

    But it involves a lot more questions

    Does art imitate life ? Or does life imitate art ?

    Are the journalists reporting the reaction of the people ?

    Are the journalists telling the people what their reaction is ?

    Listen to what is said and how it is said -

    Are you sure the media isn't used to tell you what your thoughts and reactions are ?

    In truth I suspect that you know the answer - and that the answer involves a word - One word that dare not speak it's name - "Propaganda"  

  6. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  7. its called news, your just upset it stole the spotlight from  obama.

  8. If you haven't noticed... she freakin HOT HOT HOT

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