
Why did Yahoo! mess up My Yahoo page without even asking me? HOW can I put it back like it was?

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Why did Yahoo! mess up My Yahoo page without even asking me? HOW can I put it back like it was?




  1. You can change the look of your page by using the "change content" and "change layout" buttons. Once you click on either of them, just follow instructions, it's very easy.

  2. The new my Yahoo is TERRIBLE!!  All links from the main page come back with "Page not found" error.  I think Yahoo is now using some sort of adware or tracking link that my company is blocking.  At home it works, but at work myYahoo is totally broken. Old myYahoo worked fine.  Beta does not work at all.  

    Yahoo, do you guys give a darn about the quality of your product?  Learn from Google:

    DON'T BE EVIL!!!!

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