
Why did Yahoo shut down their message boards?

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When I go to news stories on yahoo, there is no longer a link to the news story message board. I would like to know if there is going to be message boards linked to their stories in the future. Thanks.




  1. Because they got overrun by loser trolls who had nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than turn the boards into a cesspool that made discussion impossible.

  2. I too believe that the board shutdown has been politically motivated.  While it's true that there have been some abuses (message repetition, for example) it is also true that it has been a raw and uncensored message board!  What a shame that yahoo yielded to muzzle pressure...

  3. I think it is definitely politically motivated.

    I read an article the other day where they tracked the messages that were deleted by Yahoo and found that anti-Bush and anti-Iraq war posts were deleted by Yahoo more frequently and in far greater numbers than the pro- (neocon) posts.

    Yahoo should have lived up to their end of the terms of service agreement and taken steps to prevent people from posting with multiple I.D.'s (yes, it can be done).

    It's too bad really, because their failure to control the trolls made any semblance of intelligent debate nearly impossible.

  4. Because liberals can't take the heat AND because Neil Budde is a chickenshit MF'er.

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