
Why did a Democrat-controlled Congress allow the country to slide?

by Guest59014  |  earlier

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They were elected in 2006 - and yet they did nothing to stop the economic downturn. Why did they decide to let the US economy fail just to make the current sitting President (they hate more than they love thier country) and the GOP look bad?




  1. your answer is in your question between the parenthesis

  2. The economic downturn was already in motion.  Further, you fail to recognize that the slim majority cannot over ride fillibusters, crossover votes etc.

  3. The approval ratings of congress are even worse then that of President Bush. They are a do nothing congress, getting nothing done at all. Remember we pay their salaries too and this is what we get.

  4. When you let incompetents run a business do you expect it to succeed . The Dems only care about themselves not the people.n**i Pelosi is ruining this country,

  5. They were elected in 2006 and if the OBSTRUCTIONIST Republicans and their President would have gotten out of the way, the Democrats would have accomplished a lot more. But Bush and Co. were more interested in playing politics and blocking legislation from passing and when it did pass Bush would veto it because the Democrats didnt' have a big enough majority to be veto-proof. If Bush has no bearing on the economy, what could the Democratic Congress have done? I think you're just playing politics because YOU love the Republican party more than you love America.

    VOTE OBAMA/ BIDEN '08!!  


    That is the nucleus to allot of our problems !

  7. You're an idiot.

  8. Your copy of "How Congress Works" from the typical 4th grade classroom is on the way.

    Some highlights:  A majority cannot override a presidential veto unless they have 2/3 majority.  This democratic majority is a majority of 1 in the Senate and does not approach 2/3 in the House.

    A cloture vote on a filibuster also requires 2/3 voting to get a bill voted on.  The Dems don't have 2/3 in the House or Senate.

    But they will, my boy.  After November, you'll see all of the Congressional action you want.

  9. Didn't the Republicans & Bush pretty much block eveything they brought up for vote?

  10. Democrat controlled congress can't move forward because Bush vetos anything that they put forward.

    It was the Republican led congress that had a free reign and a blank check to do anything they wanted and they still did nothing except waste our money and make the Government as big as possible.  The Government was at it's largest and most wasteful when the Republicans were in charge, that is an undisputed fact and it is something that the Republicans are admittedly ashamed of.

    Don't blame the Democrats when they have both hands and both feet tied behind their back.  They can do nothing if Bush vetoes everything.

  11. It would have been nice if the republicans had helped instead for blocking at every turn. Seems to me in this matter the republicans are the ones more interested in politics than trying to help the American people.

  12. All actions were blocked by republicans

  13. Bush was elected in 2000, what did he do?  Congress can't get anything done when Bush vetoes almost everything that might benefit the American people.

  14. I read the answer below "n**i Pelosi" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    and..........your answer is also as said "between the parenthesis". Priority #1. Thank you. This is why we will be attacked as soon as it is possible. Let's keep it as impossible as we can folks.

  15. Who was it that took us to war in Iraq?

    Who's decision was it to bypass the polical process to do it?

  16. Its hard to get alot done when the President keeps vetoeing everything

  17. Believe it or not - President Bush is still the leader of our country and he is supposed to lead the agenda for Congress.  Republicans need to take ownership of their lack of leadership.  The buck stops with Bush.

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