
Why did a fire start when kurt busch pulled away from a pit stop?

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does that happen alot? or is he just that fast




  1. There was probably some fuel spilled when refueling his car.  When he took off, the fuel probably got igninted by the heat of the exhaust or the tires spinning.  Happens all the time.

  2. Cause it was HOT...d**n HOT.  Oh,  I think the previous answers are correct.  I just wanted to say, "d**n HOT" and get away with it.

  3. was it started from the burnout? It was funny if you guys noticed that the pit crew was congratulating each other then all of a sudden realized their was a fire and started to panic.

  4. there was some fuel on the ground and when he took off, a lug nut was under his tire and this caused it to spark, causing the fire

  5. Fuel + friction = fire.  I did notice that and it was very cool.  Reminded me of the movie "Back to the Future."  Kurt had issues with his Flux capacitor.

  6. that did look pretty cool... very back-to-the-futurish.  maybe kurt should look into switching manufacturers.  i love how every time it happens, it's described as a lug nut being run over and landing there, sparking and igniting the fuel.  they just don't want to admit that kurt threw a lit pall-mall butt out the window as he peeled out... ;-)

    EDIT: or it could be related to this link, maybe kurt thought this guy was here to collect on his debt for HIM:;...

  7. When fuel spills it ignites very quickly the fuel is volatile

  8. There was fuel  spilled and when he pulled away from the pit, a lug nut was caught under a spinning tire which created the friction need to cause the fire

  9. Raw fuel must have been spilled.  Any any number of things could have sparked it...probably flames out of the exhaust.

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