
Why did a movement for women's rights emerge in the mid-nineteenth century?

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Why did a movement for women's rights emerge in the mid-nineteenth century?




  1. Because women deserve just as many rights as anyone man. What a stupid question.

  2. i guess it just became too much and with the times moving the women of that time felt it has been enough and that they were human beings too and deserve the same rights as men do.  which is completely true if your fighting the opposition.

  3. no question is a stupid question!!!

    it emerged (in britain at least) because of the government extending the franchise to the middle and working classes

    following the french revolution the government thought it was best to extend the vote to "commeners" to aviod a revolution in britain.

    Women only naturally thought it was time that they were included too but the vote was not extended to them with the rest of the population so they started campaigning

    hope this helpsXX

  4. The Civil War created a need for women in the nations work force.

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