
Why did american people hate japanese people?

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  1. i hate japanese too !how they Rape  Nanking in 1937,more than 80000 Women & girl have been raped..!
    how you feel?
    japan?if i chance i would like to destroy japan.

  2. How old are you?????? Do you know how many men died in a coward attack in Pearl Harbor in 1941. We were not at war when we were attacked by the Japaneese government. We were in negotiations with the japaneese government at the time. They attaked us on a sunday while many of our salors were sleeping, or going to church serves in Pearl Harbor. You call it cheating or not fighting fair when we dropped the bombs in Japan???? We were at war then. We had up to that date been saturation bombing in japan they knew it was coming. We droped flyers over both cities warning them that we were going to use a weapon of mass distruction and for them to leave. Cheating...How about the kamakazie flyers that dived bomb thier planes into our air craft carriers and killing 100's if not thousands of our sailors. They were the cowards who started this war. So for all you young kids that think that japan is such a cool place and that they are better then know what go over there and see how cool it is to live in a cournty where they raise thier soldiers to be cowards. Me...I will live in a counrty where 100's of brave soldiers lie dead in our grave yards. And for those who save well it was over 60 years ago let it go! In 60 years from now are you willing to just forgive and forget those bombers of the twin towers. It was the same thing. Both cowardess attacks.

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